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Found 2 results

  1. One of the trim knobs has fallen off my beloved Tascam HS-P82. Ordinarily, I'd simply put the knob back on, and tighten the set screw, just as with any other knob on any other device on this planet. However, the set screw on this particular knob is inceredbily tiny, by far the smallest I've ever seen, and I do not have a tool that fits it. I tried calling Tascam, to ask what size the scew is, but nobody over there has any clue. This is their flagship product, the most expensive thing they make, and not one person in their company can tell me the size of a simple screw. That's mindblowing. Fine people of the JW community, does anyone here have any idea what size this screw is? I know there are other HS-P82 users here. Have any of you encountered this issue, and found a solution? Thanks in advance for any answers.
  2. Hi Tom, I just had my HS-P82 delivered, and I'm waiting for my RC-F82 to be delivered after being drop shipped by Tascam. I also have HD-P2, DR-680 and a DA-40 to transfer a pile of DATs to a computer via the HS (I might use my old HHb Portadat also to dub two DATs at the same time into the HS). I have several questions. First, I need an AES cable snake for the DB25 i/o connector, but I can't seem to find a pre-made cable that anyone will admit to working with the HS. Will any old TDIF aes 4x4 cable work with the HS? I know I can make one with the pinouts in the manual, but I have a hand tremor that makes soldering torture. I can find no information on the DB AES input re-sampling other than a mention in the manual. Is the re-sampling automatic or manual? If the sample rate of the AES IN and the project sample rate are the same, is the signal passed through unchanged or does the HS re-sample with matching sample rates regardless? I'd like to use the HD-P2 (with a MixPre-D as the front end) slaved via timecode to the HS to record an extra pair of tracks that are sample accurate and then dump the extra tracks into a DAW along with the HS tracks. Do you think this is possible? What functions can the RC-F82 still perform if only connected to the HS via the PS2 control cable, with none of the I/O cables attached? I assume transport control would work, no? Other functions? With all control and i/o cables connected to the HS and RC, will the mix AES output on the HS contain all information that would be coming out of the analog mix out on the RC? Is the HS capable, during record via the DB AES ins, of outputting via the DB AES outs the signal being recorded? I.E. simultaneous record and play via AES? During playback on the HS, are all output ports active, i.e. mix analog/mix aes (whether or not recorded originally), and the DB25 AES channels? Same for the RC-F82 ports if it is attached? If I wanted to record the mix AES (BNC 75ohm) out to the HD-P2, which appears to only understand spdif (unlike the DR-680 which does understand AES3), is it possible the HD-P2 could still understand the AES stream without having to use a Switchcraft 75ohm to 110ohm coverter and then into a Hosa AES 110 to spdif converter, then to the HD-p2? I just had to take a break typing as UPS came by with my RC-F82. I only ordered it yesterday, and the drop ship from Tascam was quicker than overnight delivery! I need that AES snake sooner than I thought. Tom, I appreciate your help with my questions. Thanks in advance.
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