I've looked and read through many different forums and websites trying to get a straight answer, but I'm not 100% clear on what I need. Here is the situation: I have a multicam interview shoot with one ARRI Alexa and one ARRI Amira. They want timecode to be synced between cameras and the sound recorder without being tethered. I am recording on a Sound Devices 552 mixer which doesn't generate timecode. What I need is a straight forward explanation of what I need to rent to make this happen and how to set it up. Does anyone have any input? As a side note, I do NOT want to record timecode through XLR, I want to use the TA3F Connector so it timestamps the audio file. I've never had to sync timecode before, so talk to me as if I'm a complete moron in the matter. PLEASE any thoughts and references would be much appreciated.