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Found 4 results

  1. Dear colleagues, In two weeks I'll be moving from Amsterdam to New York to live with my girlfriend (wuuhuuu!). I'll keep on recording sound under a dutch journalist visa. I'll be working for dutch documentaries shot in north or south USA hopefully. I mostly work on documentaries and an occasional commercial or corporate video. Are there any folks out there who like to grab a coffee and have a chat. I think I'm not looking for jobs as I can only work for any country but USA productions, but more for advice on living and working in New York and nice talks. And it's always good to know some colleagues in the city to pass jobs to and ask for advice. All the best, Dennis
  2. Hi everybody who has opened this link! I am a Sound Recordist and by that I mean I have a 442, 744t combo, cs3e, ntg3, 2x G3s and a bunch of other little bits. I have done 30+ short films as a recordist, a couple indi features as a recordist and a few as a boomie! I work in Australia and dream to be either a boom operator (full time) or a major sound mixer in my later years in that order :-) I get a lot of great sound on sets with my kit but I have been reading a lot of posts on this site and I hear a lot about these amazing carts that a lot of you guy and gals rock out and on top of a lot of jealousy :-) I have a big interest in what is needed to be done to get to that kind of level. I know that the Aussie industry isn't really catered for that kind of work but before I assume to much I was wondering what you all thought. So the big question is for an Aussie up and coming soundie what would you people recommend I ? Is there a real market here for it? Should I spend some time at the schools here? Or anything of that caliber? Or should I keep on this road keep working short films and some occasional features in hope that skill and luck find me and give me the opportunity to really shine? Would love to hear what you all think! Cheers, Piotr PS. Tried looking this up on the site and I didn't come up with anything might not have looked hard enough
  3. Hi, My name is Pete Smith and I'm an experienced sound recordist and boom operator based in Scotland. Please dont hesitate to give me a shout on 07732283081 or email me at petesoundrecordist@gmail.com. I specialise in natural history and documentary but have done all sorts of work in the past. All the best, Pete web: http://www.thesoundspace.co.uk mob: 07732283081 home: 01314665098
  4. Hi mates, I am Daniele, an Italian sound recordist and , if it is not a problem, I would ask you some advices: I would like to work abroad just to do some difference experience and to improve my knowledge seeing how other people work. Do you have any advices to give me? For me, 2 or 3 mouths of working experience will be enough. Obviously if I should stay more than 2/3 mouths abroad for job, for me is not a problem. I am ready to do cable man, boom operator in a set to learn how is this work abroad and also to improve my english. I am looking for jobs on mandy.com but nobody answered to me. In attachment you will find my C.V.. If you listen that some Sound Mixer is looking for a cable man or a boom operator, I am ready to come and start to work. I hope in a your answer. Thanks a lot bye Daniele cv_turi_daniele_eng.pdf
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