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Found 4 results

  1. Finally! It's been announced for a while and we are happy that we now are ready to release it: The MAC updater for Lockits and Tiny Lockits. Additionally we aligned the different firmwares so that one updater tool will work for all recent and upcoming network ready products. Obviously, it took us longer than we expected and we hope that the new features now also available for Mac users will compensate for the latency. Get your firmware 3.11 now and add powerful new features to your devices. Firmware download page http://vimeo.com/71959025
  2. I was just going through the menus on a Tiny Lockit and came across the PPF setting. What would you use the PPF trigger for in a typical sound workflow? I am not quite understanding what scenario it would be used in? Is it more of a setting that would be used by camera guys to trigger mulitple cameras to roll or to trigger a repeatable head to start its move? Also, with the Tiny Lockit you can adjust the PPF rate? Any ideas what that does? Thanks
  3. http://vimeo.com/71959025 With firmware 3.1 for the Tiny Lockit and the Lockit we added a few exceedingly powerful features. "Use your Lockit to send the camera time code to your recorder without the fear of wireless dropouts!" The new software integrates a TC transceiver mode to the units using the already existing ACN network hardware. So without additional equipment your Lockit is now a fully functional time code transmitter or receiver. Thanks to the internal generator running in the background, TC dropouts are a relic of the past. "No need to tune your Lockits with the rental ones anymore!" Using the already well accepted ACN sync broadcast we added a nifty invisible feature. The new sync broadcast doesn't stop after the first broadcast but it will resend smaller timestamps every four seconds. All receiving units will compare their internal generated time code with the highly accurate timestamp and pull up or down the generator speed until they are completely matched. This is done imperceptible and without having to press extra buttons. The only thing you’ll notice that you never get bothered again by post about drift or offset problems when using Lockits from various sources. Even more this makes the system now suitable for line-sync online editing. "Sync your Pro Tools system with all cameras during a concert shot!" When you connect your Lockit or Tiny Lockit to your PC or MAC it will be recognized immediately as Audio/ Midi device. Just select your unit in your DAW as time code source and you're ready to rock. Now you get the camera TC into your software or you can use your Session TC on your cameras. If you own a Lockit you can even wordclock sync your Audio Interface to the camera video sync. This means that you can shoot a whole festival and trust that your cameras and your audio stay in sync. Lockit Firmware Tiny Lockit Firmware Installation Guide Video Enjoy your new features Your Ambient Team
  4. Please let me introduce yout to the newest member of the Ambient Clockit Network family: First of all, it has Clockit Time Code generator of course and is made out of machined aluminum. Except for the sync signal output, it comprises the full functionality of its big brother, including ACN (Ambient Clockit Network) support, metadata transfer and logging. This network capabilities also allow the Tiny Lockit to be a fully functional Timecode Transceiver. Therefor it is combining the stability of an Ambient Clockit Generator with the flexibility of a wireless TC system but without the fear of dropouts. In addition it also has most features of the ALL601, such as variable time code output level for recording TC on audio track and time code conversion between LTC / MTC (via USB) The user interface is just as easy to use as the ACL 204's. Due to its smaller form factor it is especially suitable for applications on small cameras, but also on cameras or in setups where a sync signal is not required, it is a handy solution. The Tiny Lockit will be available from January 2013 Have a look at the Tiny Lockit in our IBC video review: [ We apologize for the bad sound quality,... it was spontanious and shot on a 7D and I think we all know about the brilliant sound capabilities of a DSLR... I hope you still can enjoy it...
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