Hi Larry,
Sorry to bug you with a private message. I have a quick question about the SRc which you can probably answer in just a line or two if you don't mind. I am thinking of upgrading/cross-grading to them from a mix of 411's and SRb's. What I wanted to know is if the tracking front end works on channels 1 & 2 independently? If I have ch1 tuned to block 21 (for example) and channel 2 tuned to block 23, do they each benefit from their own set of filters? I had a read of the user manual from your site but it didn't mention anything about that.
There are two independent front ends. The tracking is done after the RF is split to the two receivers. Specifically, you can run different blocks with no loss of sensitivity. I'm going to post your redacted question on Equipment since I have been asked this before. We should put this in our manual.
Best Regards,
Larry Fisher