Today, I have experienced a nightmare in a cooking show.
Wireless & Induction Kitchen
Some sort info's: Wireless was Sennheiser G3 (626 MHz - 688 MHz) and G2 (780 MHz - 822 MHz). Lavaliers was DPA 4061. I know, 780 MHz - 822 MHz isn't very good here; but usable. The kitchen was without any extra furniture, so the whole system (below glass surface) was expsosed (not visible to camera of course).
When the chef was turned on the kitchen for cooking; wireless went crazy, both of them. The sound was something like huge noise gate, plus extreme denoise, plus extreme compression. Like RF swallow into black hole (use your imagination).
I did everything from my side; changing frequencies, changing lavaliers, changing everything with all combinations. Same story: No bueno.
Booming was not possible; yes you thinked correctly, extremely wide shoot (master camera) plus exterior (45 meters away was passing a train every 4 minutes). So everyone went crazy because of "sound problem", the kitchen nightmare; not the train nightmare. I have asked a simple question, if we had that kitchen from previous season. Guess, the answer was "no". And the story goes crazy.
Next time, cooking show, I will ask what type of kitchen will be. After "where", "when" (and why in my inner thoughts).