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On some kind of mythical, possibly Quixotic journey to get marked up sides onto the iPad. Solving: Easiest way to highlight the sides from .pdf script and export to iPad app cable of interfacing with Bluetooth page-turning hardware pedal (PageFlip Firefly $109/two AA batteries is the hardware I chose). ForScore is the first and only PageFlip-compatible app I've tried. Pretty good, but would prefer an app better suited for highlighting in many colors. This one requires I hand-build all the highlighter colors and is clunky when switching pages (you have to get out of highlighting mode first) and clunky to change colors. Moot if there's an app made specifically with highlighting with many colors in mind. Here are currently-listed compatible iPad apps: forScore, unrealBook, Deepdish GigBook, DrumSetlist Manager, Hymnals, iCue, iGigBook, iReal b, Loopy, Loopy HD, MuseScore Sheet Music Viewer, Music Binder, MusicReader, MusicPodium, My Lyric Book, NextPage, NextSong, OnSong, PiaScore HD, Play On Cue, Pocket Jamz Guitar Tabs, Pocket Jamz Piano Notes, PrompterPal, SampleWiz, Avid Scorch, Scorio Music Case, SeeScore, Finale SongBook, Sheet Music Direct, Scorecerer, Set List Maker, Setlists, Steinway Etude, TheGigEasy, Virtual Sheet Music, Teleprompt+, and Planning Center Online Here are the compatible Android apps: Android: MobileSheets, MusicNotes, SongBook, Fakebook, Lyrics Flipper+, Moon+ Reader, EBookDroid, Cool Reader, ezPDF Reader, and any other keyboard-compatible app. Tried GoodReader .pdf app for highlighting. As with most, it can import docs from Dropbox, email, etc., but again it's not so friendly when changing colors 'cause you have to 'save' the pink on the page before changing to green on the same page. One would benefit from doing all of the 'orange' for the whole script, then all the 'pink', then... A screenshot from GoodReader's highlight operation: Tried PDFPen, a paid Mac application I got to digitally sign .pdf's and works OK, and easier for me to deal with on the laptop (as opposed to iPad). Imagine there's a better application for that OS. Preview only offers a few highlighter colors but words very well otherwise. Here's a video exploration of the above-referenced tools: Typing out the issues helped; thanks Anybody successfully doing this yet?