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Found 4 results

  1. hey folks. just spent a couple hours making an ANDROID app to play the sleep and unsleep sounds for lectrosonics transmitters because i just needed that ability and didnt want to pay $20 for the LectroRM android app. my app isnt available on the google play store because i havent figured that out, and it doesnt have a nice icon because i havent figured that out either. anyone that wants it is welcome to download it (if it will link here) or hit me up for a signed APK. i just used the sounds freely available on lectrosonics site. keep up the good work out there. thanks. (newer one is next post)
  2. Hey Fellow Sound Catchers... I am trying to find apps that will work as a sound logger/reporter on an android [nexus] tablet. I know there are modules for MovieSlate and some other IOS apps for the big A, but I haven't come across any 'droid ones. It seems pretty straight forward to make some sort of dBase, but the lazy me and the over extended me is looking for an 'off-the-shelf' logging/reporting pgm. Any bright opinions?
  3. Hi everyone, you may or may not have noticed I've been doing some updating of the FreqFinder Android app. After one or two emails about an update not working I decided to take advantage of Google's relatively new Beta program. I'd like to invite anyone who wishes to participate by joining this Google Group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/new-endian-android-beta-testing The main mechanism here is that I can release updates and then those who chose to update to the beta version can and those who may be using FreqFinder more actively can wait until it has been more user tested. Also, it should allow users to roll back to the stable release version if there is a problem. And of course this will help me better keep in contact with all of my users. Please pass on the link and I hope to see everybody there. Sincerely, James
  4. Sound Report Writer is now available in the Android Market. It does everything the iOS version does, and actually a little bit more. You can still visit www.inaudiblelabs.com for more information. In addition to the current iOS features, the Android version also has a Segment field. You are also able to create a take with the timecode running and hit 'Start TC' and 'End TC' whenever you are ready so that right when you create a new take that timecode isn't used. This allows you to set your take up in advance and once you are rolling you'll be able to execute the command with greater accuracy. This is still coming on the iOS version and now more time can be spent to do that. Enjoy!
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