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IATSE locals - join your ASA negotiation teams!

Izen Ears

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This does not apply to union members in LA or New York as those cities

don't use the Area Standards contracts.

This year I volunteered for my local 478 ASA negotiations team, and I need proposals. My local will submit proposals along with all the other locals.  Those proposals will be from all departments, and after a certain period no new proposals can be submitted.  This time around locals are forming negotiation committees - any member can be on it!  The best would be for every single local to get identical sound dept. specific proposals.  That would make everyone's jobs easier because rather than arduously merge proposals, we soundies would be handing them identical proposals that need no merging.  It also signals a cross-country unity among sound folks.


I'd like to get a private discussion going where we form sound dept. proposals. These proposals should not be publicly discussed, because it gives the other side advance notice. However I believe we can have a group PM on this site, so we could in essence have a private "thread."  I have a few ideas but they need input because I'm kinda dumb.


I absolutely stand behind the writers and the actors, and think this strike should go on for as long as it needs to. The fact that there is any strike at all is galling beyond belief, because these are "common sense laws of decency" we're talking about.  Why is it okay for them to hoard profits?  Then the fact that productions don't want us to have any guaranteed turnaround beyond eight hours says it all right there - they only care about us as much as they are forced to. They are greedy profit driven executives that will never come down to earth. I have always supported strikes and I have many times I asked other department heads to walk off an abusive set but no one ever did. I can't do that by myself, but if every department did it then the production would have to listen. Anyhow let's just say I don't believe anything they need is beneficial to us, and these contracts are the only thing standing between abuse and work.


Anyone who wishes to give me ideas or discuss proposals please PM me. I would love to discuss these things, I have ideas but I'd like to be more informed before I submit them as proposals.  Let's get a group PM going!


Dan Izen

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