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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, i‘m looking For a way to sync the Tc of a mix pre 6 to a 788t, or the other way around. (or if there’s another way but tc I would be interested to). i guess I need a tc generator that will feed both... right? Or can the 788 give out its internal tc and I can feed it into the mix pre 6? which solutions are out there? all I want is to have these both units in perfect sync to each other later in the post. (No picture in the workflow! Just the 2 machines.) 788 and mixpre are right beside each other.. so no Wireless really needed... thanks!
  2. Hi, have someone used this setup in their job? Any ideas will it work properly or are there any kind of problems that suddenly will happen?
  3. Hey soundies, I recently had my apartment broken into in Astoria Queens. They stole my Canon 7D camera, and aKAI keyboard, and my entire 788 sound rig with lectrosonics, comteks, smart slate and everything else in the bag.... This was in astoria, queens New York.... If Anybody knows of any gear someone is selling for very cheap or seems shady please let me know... Cheers
  4. Hi all I know many of you use Movieslate as your sound report creator. I'm looking into it, but i like the option of using Cl-wifi to control and input metadata directly into the 788t and then exporting the CVS file for Movieslate to create the report. How are you guys doing this on location? The help menu of MS talks only about the option of emailing the file back and forth. Firstly that seems silly because what if I don't have internet on location? And assuming i'll have internet, how do i get the CVS file out of the 788t? If i have to use a computer for that, i rather use WaveAgent. Any ideas, solutions, apps? I guess all this will be solved with Ambient's Tonemaister app, but that is a couple of months away... hopefully. Thanks
  5. New bag from PortaBrace for Sound Devices 788. http://www.portabrace.com/products/audio/recorders/895-audio-recorder-case-sound-devices-788?utm_source=A-788CLX&utm_campaign=AR-788CLX&utm_medium=socialshare
  6. New products available from Portabrace. 664, Maxx, 788, ZH6 and more. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=8112b337-405a-421b-b6d7-131ec291c27a&c=0a229a40-5145-11e3-a0ef-d4ae527599c4&ch=0a2a1450-5145-11e3-a0ef-d4ae527599c4
  7. Hello everyone. I normally don't use the mix assist function on my 788, but have a job coming where it will be beneficial. I was trying it and whenever i tried to activate it, it says to lower the sample rate or number of media or disable output delays. The only way i get it to work, is if i lower sample rate to 44.1 which is not something i want to do. Anyone has any idea why and how i can get it to work on 48/24? thanks Diego
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