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Found 5 results

  1. Anyone using the ACN system with their 6 series since firmware update 3.1? ACN-ML / ACL204 / ACN-TL? My understanding is to get all the functionality of the ACN system you'd need boxes on all cameras and recorders(?) - however if you just had 1 box (jammed from the recorder) and used to provide stable TC to (1) camera (like you may use a tentacle-sync) what functionality, from a boxes both ends (full system), is still retained? Eg. If the box is on the camera and my browsing device is in wifi range, can I enter audio metadata (or is it only taking metadata from what it is plugged into)? Since firmware v4.00 we can choose a Wingman + Dongle + tentacle sync box (1), costing c. £350. So I'm trying to understand what a single Ambient ACN-TL (c. £580) would give me. Lastly since WM-connect is BT and ACN is WIFI and an iphone can do both, can Wingman "talk" to (a camera mounted) ACN device through wifi and still do its BT thing with the recorder? d
  2. Hi everybody, as promised: You talk, we listen. We manufactured a free of charge upgrade kit for the ACN-LS to enable for one handed operation and add customizable friction to the sticks. The hardware mod will be done or organized by your local dealer. It is only a 5-10 minutes operation and the kits are either already at your local dealer or on their way. All ACN-LS slates sold now, are of course already equipped with the upgrade. Please watch the quick and dirty video to learn about the details: http://vimeo.com/98522035 Thank you Timo
  3. Three New Products at IBC 2013 Lockit Slate - Lockit Script App - QS-Mini This was the IBC, again. Time moves fast when you are busy, and our last year just passed at lightning speed. After one year of extensive development we would like to present the latest results of our work. With the new Lockit Slate and Lockit Script App as well as the integration of our time code in the Adobe Prelude live logger app we continue to upgrade our time code series to the newest Ambient Clockit Network technology. Whereas the QS-Mini boompole brings our premium range to customers who prefer shorter lengths. Since the numbers of pictures per post are limited you'll find the details behind the links... Sorry for the inconvenience. We would like to thank you for visiting our booth. It was a pleasure to enjoy a fresh drafted Munich beer or organic wine made by Chris Price with you. We look forward to seeing you at NAB! Your Ambient Recording team
  4. We are happy to announce that from 27th of July at 12 a.m. UMT+2 the new firmware update 2.0 can be downloaded from our homepage. It features the first part of the Ambient Clockit Network functionality. Attention: The ACL204 is already equipped with an internal antenna. Therefore no additional accessory is needed to get full access to all features. With the “ACN Basic” integrated in this firmware the user is able to jam sync all ACN compatible devices within the network. To gain the best possible range 16 network channels are available as well as variable output power. One ACL204 is used to jam the others by broadcasting a sync command. Afterwards it will display how many devices have been jammed and how many couldn’t be jammed because of mismatching user settings (e.g. not integer frame rates). In the ACN menu the external antenna can be activated and the antenna gain can be modified. To comply with FCC rules, these functions are PIN protected. Please contact your local dealer. Watch a short demo video
  5. Ambient Clockit Network - the next step in digital content production workflow As typical set-ups in film and multimedia productions get more and more sophisticated the extensive use of metadata has become essential for an effective work flow. These data are embedded into the files of the respective machines on recording. However, since no common file and metadata structure has been settled, each manufacturer saves in their best suiting configuration. Additionally, there is no interchange between the different recorders on the set which results in the need to extract and consolidate metadata tediously in post. This is where the Ambient Clockit Network comes in. The goal was to create a system as open as possible and simultaneously merge real-time and file embedded metadata. Based on the unrivaled accuracy of the highly acclaimed Clockit system the ACN uses global time code as reference to create a comprehensive shot list containing start and stop times of each and every recording and machine. Adding to that real time metadata can be ingested giving access to previously unavailable information such as lens control data of 3D rigs. To interface with as many brands and units as possible the ACN devices sport an interface that can be configured to either RS232 or half duplex event log. The protocol in use will be fully documented for effortless 3rd party integration and even provide remote configuration of the Clockit units so manufacturers are free to participate from the unsurpassed accuracy of the Clockit system. The ACN itself uses a proprietary wireless mesh network for communication to minimize lag and interference with other radio sources. Information will be buffered until successful dump has been confirmed by the server which is a rugged portable box with integrated webserver. Tablets, smart phones, and computers can log in on a restricted rights management basis so that e.g. script would access different information than a data wrangling system.
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