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Found 5 results

  1. Hey, everyone! I'm new here on JWS, so let me start by introducing myself. I'm Sara, a senior Audio Production student at Middle Tennessee State University. I graduate in May of 2015, and as you can imagine, I'm starting to stress about where to go and what to do once I'm no longer a student. Sound for picture has become my passion, although I don't have much to show for it aside from a few school projects. I got an internship at Trew in Nashville, though, so that's pretty nifty. And I know it starts me on the right path. However, I'd like to know if any of you lovely people who frequent this discussion group may be able to offer up a few words of advice. Everyone started from the bottom, and I'd love to know how I might be able to work my way up that path and land in a position similar to any one of you. What did y'all do outside of school to help carve a name for yourself in the industry? I understand these are very broad questions, and I apologize. I hope to be able to narrow them down once I get a few replies. Thank you so much for reading! -Sara
  2. Hi all, I am shooting a doc in Maui for two weeks next week. I was looking for advice on preparation for this doc and keeping gear safe. Thanks!
  3. Hello Everyone! I'm Kevin and I'm new here. I've been reading this site like a novel. I love this place. Makes me feel less like a crazy person reading through all of the "experiences" here on the forums. I have a TON of respect for all you guys and aspire to be as great as you all. Big thanks to JW for creating this site!! So basically I'm looking for work on better projects than I have been working on. My goal is to get on something with a real budget and respect for the sound dept. I'm in SoCal but will travel anywhere. I will boom or do utility for any of you vets out there who may need an extra guy. A mentor is really what I am looking for I think. I have been doing sound as a non-union OMB since January 2012. A friend of mine who is a member here got me into this biz and has continued to help me as much as he can (Thank you so much Daniel!). I have had some very cool experiences as well as several not so cool experiences. Traveled to Vegas, Mexico, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, going to Colorado in June...living the dream right? Anyway, my bread and butter is referrals from past projects from CL/Mandy (I know, I know). I'm starting to hate doing this at this level because I feel like I'm stagnating and working too hard for what I'm paid. I understand I'm paying my dues and gaining experience which is a necessary path in this industry and I sure have learned a lot!! I just don't have any idea on how to progress with regard to finding new clients or getting on better shows. How do I do that? Union? I've read most of those posts....not sure I can afford to pay the entry fee with my low budget income but I certainly do want to become a union member if that is really where its at. Sorry to ramble and sorry to sound so frustrated....any helpful thoughts are welcome. Thanks guys!
  4. I have begun a compilation of professional audio equipment suppliers as a general resource. It's an incomplete resource as of today (August 20, 2012) but there is room to grow. I have listed Gotham Audio and Pro-Sound in the East, Trew Audio in the Central region, Trew (again) in Canada and The Audio Department, Trew/Coffey and Location Sound in the West. There are other candidates for inclusion, like Mary Atias (ATS Communications) in Maryland and Vark Audio, also in Maryland, and, no doubt, some others. I held off in this initial attempt at a list since I think there should be some ground rules for inclusion and I didn't want to assume the responsibility for doing all the vetting. And, I think that participants in other countries should help to expand the list to Europe and Australia and the Far East. To be on the list, I believe that the resource should be a full-service shop. It should be an authorized dealer for most of the primary equipment used by location audio professionals. That's an ever-evolving list but would certainly include Lectrosonics, Sound Devices, Zaxcom, Sennheiser, Schoeps, Neumann, Rode, Sanken, Aaton, Portabrace, Petrol and others of that ilk. No shop will have every brand, of course, but a full service shop ought to have many lines to offer and compare. Part of being a full-service shop is offering a range of services. So, it should offer not just sales but also repairs, rentals, custom cable fabrication and related services. All of the facilities in this list provide all those services, have knowledgeable sales people and equipment specialists and can provide comprehensive assistance to anyone seeking to purchase or upgrade a recording system. I posted here, rather than in the equipment section, because I regard this as a general resource, not simply about equipment. It's my thinking that this thread should be "frozen" so that it is readily available and so new visitors to the site, seeking general advice, may be easily directed. David The first draft of the list follows in a separate post.
  5. Hello everyone, I had originally posted this on the RAMPS google group, and was advised that I might get more feedback if I posted here. This is my first post at jwsound. I'm a former AV tech looking to transition into the world of location recording. I'm looking to volunteer, or job shadow, a location recordist to gain a bit of practical experience. I'm based in Toronto, Canada. I always show up on time, work hard, stay out of the way, and don't whine about assigned tasks. If anyone knows of opportunities for me, or if anyone has any advice for me, please reply. I will appreciate any information, and don't be afraid to be frank. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Sincerely, Marc-André Paquin
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