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Boomin A Western.... with horses and stuff

Scotty What

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The horses are scared of the rycote/windjammer way more than the pole.  Let them have a real good smell of the rycote...it's usually the windjammer that freaks them...they think it's a critter of some type.  Once he knows it's not a threat he should calm right down.Take the mic off the pole for this introduction and let him put his nose right on the jammer...when the horse is cool with the mic...put it on the pole and let him smell the whole affair again....then slowly start to move the pole around the area you want to cover for the scene.  I've done a lot of Westers over the years and even with green horses you can usually have them calmed down in about ten minutes with the help of a good wrangler. If you do have green horses and they don't work everyday just repeat the introduction proceedure again when they arrive on set...it won't take nearly as long the second time. Horses are pretty smart..they remember stuff..good or bad so spend a few minutes to ensure you can do what you need to do to capture the scene. With seasoned horses you should be able to move from over top  with the boom to a scoop underneath...if you show the move to the horse before you rehearse/roll.

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