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Everything posted by VM

  1. Viewing the new content doesn't work now. Until today it was ok. I'm on Android. If i click on the 4 little square,at the upper right,nothing happens. Regards. I try also on my mac : it works.(but not on my smart phone )
  2. A friend of mine has got many trouble with lectro plug on. So he uses lectro for lav and audio ltd for wireless boom.
  3. The same kit in France for basic shot. I think it's good to add an hypercardio mic. When the shooting is more ambitious it's possible to discuss a more complete kit (recorder, stereo and sometimes surround recording)
  4. You can do it on SD788 (DD/edit/rename) during recording. But only for the current recording, not for the next take. Vinc.
  5. That's why i have chosen the Portabrace AR788/CL8. And also for its weight. I can put many wireless in the front pouch. V.
  6. Hi, I own a 788 and CL8 with a portabrace bag AR-788/CL8 (fits very well to the recorder). My former harness (similar to the small from Portabrace) is not enough to support it and my back begins to complain ! Which harness should i buy ? Until now i have always avoided big harness... Thanks, Vinc.
  7. I have already commanded one to charge my cell phone on my hankwood NP1 shoe adapter. Very useful idea. Vinc.
  8. You'd better buy 4 cardio mics (maybe you already own some of them), you can use them in many different situations, and you can build an IRT cross or doubleORTF. Works very good too. Vincent M.
  9. I do many 5.1 recordings for doc. Don't forget that the post can lower the rear channels. A good practice is to focus on the front stereo (or even mono if there are dialogues) and to think that 5.1 recording is an option. Double MS is very good with that, you can boom it with a MK41 Schoeps for front and post will decide, and choose to keep stereo or 51. You may also add your wireless on another track if needed. Another option is to work in mono and to record separately atmos in 5.1. IRT cross will give you a nice space sensation, but DPA5100 will work also. Vinc.
  10. I have made a test : the same sound recorded by a SD788 and by a 5D (via Telemak preamp) My conclusion is that recording on 5D is possible, and the sound is not too bad (with a lack of bass) , but without any serious sound control (that's dangerous ) You can hear it this test on my soundblog : http://vincent.sounddesigners.org/le_blog_sonore/Tests/Entrees/2011/4/20_Enregistrer%2C_ou_pas%2C_le_son_sur_un_DSLR.html There are 2 sounds. Which is the 788 one ?! Vinc.
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