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Jeff Wexler

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About Jeff Wexler

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  • Location
    Santa Monica, CA USA
  • About
    Jeffrey S. Wexler, CAS Host of jwsound Discussion Group
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. UPDATE: I'm fairly sure have solved the problems people have been having with CloudFlare Error messages and being locked out of the site. I have had CloudFlare disabled and since then I have not had the problem. We had this same problem back in 2021 and the solution was the same -- disable CloudFlare. Hopefully things are working well now for our members. Regards, Jeff Wexler - JWSOUNDGROUP
  2. As far as I can tell, Rode will lose just as Lerctro lost. The patents are solid whether you agree with them or not. Defending the patent is no fun at all but necessary for any company that holds patents that presupposed to prevent other companies from stealing. The legal costs are substantial and obviously hurts Zaxcom ore than Rode (Rode is a billion dollar business). No matter what the legal costs are, it has to be done, it will be settled in court and Rode will have to wait like every other company until the patents expire. Of course if Rode agrees to a licensing fee (something which many, many other companies have had to do to produce products that are deemed to infringe), they would be able to legally manufacture and sell a recording transmitter.
  3. I used aluminum rack rails on all of the last carts I built and they worked out fine. I did make sure that they were very firmly supported at all points attaching to the 80/20 profiles. I will add that I never had any very heavy or substantial rack mount equipment installed, and for heavy stuff like cart power supplies, etc., always mounted down low and often with additional support along with the rack rails. Tourtelot has made some good suggestions though I think he is more concerned than I hav ever been.
  4. I'm having the same problem, first sign on pages are missing image icons ( " ? ") and re-loading the page often yields the CloudFare permissions thing. Re-loading again usually clears it up. I'm trying to get support to sort this out since it happened right after a recent software update.
  5. We just had a recent "Security Update" from Invision Power (software platform this site is built on) and they may have introduced some different security protocols. I will look into my site's settings and see if anything has changed and I will also look at settings regarding member access regulations.
  6. Thank you "The Documentary Sound Guy" (sorry, I do not know your name) for your understanding of the guidelines of the site. I realize the whole timing and having a paid advertisement show up in the M & D section is not common. I really want to avoid the abuse from the past, specifically with a few manufacturers who really did mess things up a bit. I think we're on track, still, to been of the best online communities with a fantastic membership. I will continue to moderate with a very light hand and I truly appreciate all the participation from our members!
  7. The posting in the highly restricted Manufacturer and Dealer section is a PAID advertisement.
  8. I haven't managed to thank everyone personally but the last few days have seen an amazing amount of support donations from our members. Maybe my birthday, April 18th, triggered this, I don't know, but it is so appreciated! We have such a great group of sound people here who participate regularly on site and so many of our veteran members have generously offered so much good advice and help to many of our newer members. It is amazing that we can keep this all going considering how much "competition" there is from so many social media websites. I am aware that the legacy forum format is showing its age a bit but it seems to be still working quite well. So pleased that there is room in your lives for JWSOUNDGRIOUP. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart for all the generous support donations.
  9. Thanks for the encouragement! I am going to try and get out more but still mer fairly cautious when it comes to large gatherings of people indoors. I do know that most people have had Covid, many have gotten it several times. I am as fully vaccinated as anyone can be at this time but I still hope to avoid getting it at all.
  10. Nice! How wonderful it was for me to actually be with people in the real world. I have been so overly cautious because of Covid I have missed so many events, so many people. It was great evening, I think one of the best Awards show we've done.
  11. You are only partially correct on this. Zaxcom did not patent (and would not have been granted a patent) merely for the use of 2 A-D converters. What Zaxcom DID patent, this is my understanding, is Zaxcom's specific utilization of 2 A-D converters in a unique way. The patent would never have been granted if it were merely the use of 2 A-Ds --- you are right that this is not new and predates anything from Zaxcom, Lectrosonics, Audio, Ltd., etc.
  12. Zaxcom has introduced a new IFB device designed to be used primarily the way in which current IFB systems used. The sound quality is amazing, it seems to be a very rugged and hopefully indestructable unit, so important for a device that will be the hands of other crew, Director, Script, etc. It will be very easy to integrate this with almost everybody's existing systems since it is compatible with all of the Comtek transmitters. Gotham has done a really good video showcasing the VRX-1.
  13. Something is not right here --- I cannot imagine an aluminum drawer being heavier than an all steel drawer. Oh, well, I think we've given the poster some choices and the answer to whether it has to be aluminum or not is a personal one. For me, the difference, particularly in a follow cart as Johnny K. has said, was night and day. I would never have wanted 4 or 5 steel drawers.
  14. Actually, when I last checked there are very few choices for the style of drawer we're talking about in aluminum. I do know that people have used various other sorts of drawers, tool chest container types, plastic, etc., but for standard type drawer in aluminum, very few companies to choose from.
  15. Until they went out of business, several of us relied on Rackman because they were the only one doing aluminum. The Star Case stuff eventually was done in aluminum but you are right that it was inconsistent and not very well made. I looked into the Penn Elcom drawers but when I first looked into those they did not have aluminum - -- that was a deal breaker for me as I was always striving for lighter weight stuff. That's what drove me to be one of the first to experiment with LiFe batteries for cart power (easily a 10th of the weight of the very common sealed lead acid batteries).
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