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Countryman B6 Losing It's Cap?

Dan Brockett

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Hi all:


I had a Countryman B6 that I bought 20 years ago and used it until the cable shed it's jacket. Countryman couldn't repair it so I looked around and found a lightly used one missing it's case and accessories for a song so I bought it since I already had a case and all of the accessories from my old B6. I tested the new B6 for function at home and it worked fine. Was on a shoot yesterday and went to mic talent. We had a break and the talent unmiked himself and left the lav on a counter, no big deal. But I noticed that the protective cap was missing. Searched through talent's wardrobe and all around the floor where we were shooting but couldn't find it. No big deal, I ordered two replacement caps this morning. 

I was using the Flat frequency response cap yesterday, so once it was lost so I went to use the 4dB frequency boost cap and I notice that the fit of the cap on the mic head is a bit loose. I try the other cap I had, the +8 and same thing? The caps will fit onto the head but the fit seems to be a bit loose, like they don't fall off but even slight pressure, they seem to come off. Is it possible Countryman changed the mic head diameter or something over the past 20 years? New mic with old caps? I've kept them in the mic case, in their original little baggies that has the little frequency response chart with them.

My original B6, I never, ever had a cap pull off or fall off in use. What could cause the new mic head itself to have a slightly loose fit with the caps? I always just use the flat response cap, I don't have a pressing need to change them out a lot, I find I generally don't prefer the sound of the frequency boosts. If this was your B6, how would you remedy this? I was thinking of getting a toothpick and putting a bit of Loctite inside the cap. As long as none gets on the end where the mic diaphragm is, it should affect the sound should it? if I don't have talent sweating or going into water or mud, is it safe to use the B6 sans a cap?

Weird issue. I pressed on the caps with some reasonable force to make sure they are "seated". I think they are just friction fit, I don't see any little tiny lock rings or lock retainers molded onto the mic head housing or the caps?


Thanks for any advice.


Dan Brockett

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2 hours ago, Philip Perkins said:

I've lost a lot of those caps in "sticky rigs" that the actors decided to pull off themselves.  If I see that the cap is gone I charge the production for it, I think they go for about $13 each now.  That is just one of the hazards of B6 use....

Any thoughts about Loctiting or even Crazy Gluing the cap in place if I am positive I don't ever want to use the frequency boost caps and just stick with neutral? Do you think either of those might harm the B6? My favorite setup are the Rycote Overcovers so lots of "sticky rigs" for me.

B&H has the replacements for $8.33 ea.

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Yes they did change the size of the mic a few years back and the old caps would fall off the newer mics. I would think that as long as any glue wouldn't get on the top of the cap, you would be fine. With all mics like this, talent can lose the caps when they take them off themselves since they don't know about the two pieces. L&D. Scott

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A coating of clear nail polish avoiding the mic active element will work wonders in keeping the new caps in place. Black nail polish will seal & prevent further cracking of a black mic cable due to the drying out of the cable plastisizser (use clear nail polish for other cable colors) but when the cable begins to show it's age by chipping & cracking it's time to invest in a new lav. 

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