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Search engine issue?

Fred Salles

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Hello Jeff,

I am trying to search for old posts regarding the Sound Devices 688 recorder and some USB connexion failure.

It does give me a "0 result" even for "688" on its own, which looks like is a database issue.

I guess that might be following the update few months ago?

(Or all post regarding the 688 have been automatically deleted since the release of the 8 series ?🤣  -joking-).

Shall I create a new post for my question although I am sure the topic has been discussed before?

Thanks for your help

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The built-in search engine here was/is OKish, but not great. But, as you may know, you can narrow a search on Google to only dig through this site.


For example, use these search terms:


688 site:jwsoundgroup.net





Add a couple terms to narrow the results. 


And then like Rick suggests, ask SD 🙂


Good luck!

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