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Jim Feeley

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About Jim Feeley

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Location
    Northern California
  • About
    sound, journalism, producing
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. I'm looking to buy four to six more lavs for corp and doc work. These will likely be submersed in salt water, subjected to heavy smoke, and possible stolen. Though mostly just used as everyday lavs. Sure, I care about audio quality, but I'm not thinking DPA right now. I own and am familiar with Countryman B3 and Sanken COS-11 lavs (as well as several others). I know of some of the options. But I'm looking for hands-on and ears-on experiences. What others have people here used in the US$150-$300 or so range and been happy...or at least satisfied...with?
  2. Great question Dan. I hope the experts here chime in. There's what seems to me to be a pretty good and ongoing discussion about noise reduction for dialog on the Gearspace post-production subforum. And it's not super long, at least by GS standards. https://gearspace.com/board/post-production-forum/1424740-2024-dialogue-noise-removal.html Also, @Ian Sampson, who created Hush Pro, is sometimes on JWS. He might have some thoughts.
  3. Thanks Pat! Those are hilarious. So are everyone's responses here. I just checked out the maker's website. He also says he's the founder of DistroKid. His small-batch headphones sure are something: https://pud.com For example.
  4. Looks like EastWind Audio is distributed by Redding Audio. Check the bottom of their homepage: https://www.eastwindaudio.com So that makes me think they're legit. And looking at their other products, maybe like Radius, they used to be associated with Rycote before the Videndum acquisition. The stuff is probably good (and as others say, perhaps made by Rycote), but I'd ask about support and spare parts for the big windscreens. Hopefully someone associated with the company (or distributor or a reseller) will chime in.
  5. A key thing, I think, is to improve the distance ratio between sounds you want and sounds you don't want. So here are two ideas to get the mic closer to your brush and paper or other medium. What about a small lav mic hidden on the brush or in your hand? So if you had one mic and audio track for your voice and/or room (if you want either), and another for the sound of painting. Perhaps something like a Countryman B6, or less expensive a Deity W.Lav Micro Both avail in a couple colors that might be able to hide behind at least some of your brushes. Might be tricky to rig and hid, but might be kinda fun to try. Maybe a small omni mic (even the lav you already have) placed right behind your paper/block/etc. Just winging it here, but placed an inch or two behind your medium, taped to your stand (if you use one), or at least taped to a table top if that's how you work (perhaps hidden by a brush). I considered both of these on a small job a while back. A challenging space and job, but traffic wasn't an issue and the artist had a big brush. Ended up going with booming just outside the frame down by the paper (of both cameras) and a couple black lavs on the undermat just off the paper. It's short and fun. And her work is great.
  6. I wonder if the "rate limiting" page is actually counter productive. I sometimes just reload the page until it lets me in and displays the topic. And that might result in more server traffic requests than just loading the page on first request. I get the (presumed) need to limit bots and other bad actors. But if there's a way to set a limit to the number of topics/discussions we try to open in quick succession...perhaps not more than 7 or 10...that would be nice. [edit- like David below, I too sometimes get the rate limiting notice on the first discussion I open.]
  7. Ya, there are so many Facebook groups that aren't worth the time for various reasons. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but feels like things are worse now than a couple years ago... I mean for the fairly anodyne groups I belong to. But if you want to wade back into the FB sound world, there are two, and perhaps two.five groups that I think are decent. And I'll guess you already know about these. But what the heck: JWSOUND on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/249253102906 Jeff created it. Lots of the people here post there. As you might expect. 🙂 Freelance Sound Mixers & Recordists for TV/Film: https://www.facebook.com/groups/soundmixers/ Charlie Tomaras created it, IIRC. Also lots of crossover with people here. Sound Devices "official" public group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sounddevices Run and moderated by SD staffers (mostly). Seems pretty good at staying on topic. But a big group and I don't closely follow it. Though like you, I find this place most helpful and mostly friendly(ish). Feels like more of a community. I guess that means it's about time for me donate again. 🙂
  8. I like to think of myself as being fairly openminded, with a "if it works, it works" attitude, and a fan of Cardellini (and Cardellini-style) clamps. But, um...
  9. I'm not trying to call you out, but can you (or your friends) provide any more details about the audio quality and range issues? Thanks!
  10. Dan, I sent you a message with a couple pictures of my harness. Just saying that here incase that doesn't go through. And if you decide a different brand/model/etc of harness is more intriguing to you and my Petrol isn't for you, that's no worries for me. Hope you find one that works great for you.
  11. Dan, I have an old Petrol harness that I really never got on with (though I like a lot of what Petrol/ORCA/Ofer do). It's in really good shape. I don't recall how many different models Petrol made; I can dig it up and post a few pix if you'd like. I'll let it go really cheap. Perhaps... Or maybe you have an inexpensive yet cool guitar doodad sitting around unused? Seriously, I'd rather my Petrol harness gets used... Also, I met Larry Nolan, Mr. Versa-Flex, at one of our NAB mixer mixers years ago. At the time, he/they were into custom orders. Perhaps they still are?
  12. Olle, great thought. I'd love to know what people think so I started a new thread:
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