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hi!! i just came on this site and saw that there’s a lot nagra threats. i got my first nagra yesterday and absolutely love it. i got it from danish radio station, Danmarks Radio, and i learned that one of the knobs is fixed/locked. i read somewhere they did this on the radio stations so journalists couldn’t screw anything up while recording. i’m a musician myself so i wanted to ask out here if anyone knows how i can “unlock” the knob. it is the ALC compression in front of the machine (see picture).  the guy that i got it from had a theory that it might be some hex nut, that’s tightening it from inside, so i wanted to ask on this site if anyone know what it is or/and have any experience with this kind of stuff? thank you /N




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  • 2 weeks later...

You can't unlock the knob and get ALC, because the ALC circuit is not installed... It could be installed later, so they installed the potentiometer and switch, but without the board, it will not do anything. I have never seen a DR IS with ALC installed, I guess DR didn't´t find it necessary after all.


If you go to Nagraaudio.com and look in the historical section, you can find all manuals for it. There will be a description of the function somewhere...


If you need info about the IS, I have a few of them. I have some experience with them, so feel free to contact me with questions.



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  • 4 months later...


I also own the Nagra IS version of Danish Radio.
In my unit, in the place of selecting the tape speed, there is a cap, instead of a switch. Does this mean that, as in the previous thread with ALC, there is no way to switch the speed, or is it just a safety feature and plugging in the right knob could help?


Thank you for your help



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