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SD688/CL12 Maximum Allowed Power Consumption Warning!


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Just had this message appear today while shooting a LONG meeting.  The unit was recording on average about 2 hours, then a 15 minute break, then 2 more hours, then lunch, then 2 more hours, then a 15 minute break then 2 more hours.  


I was using the Sound Devices 688 with the SL6 and the CL12 control surface.  I used the supplied USB cable to connect the 688 to the CL12, and used an external AC to DC power supply that was connected to the SL6.  I also had an NP-L7S in the SL6, but had the priority set to "external" supply.  I did NOT connect the 1/4" TRS cable to the CL12.  I connected my phones directly to the 688.


It all worked fine until the last 3 minutes of the day, when the message below appeared.  Now I realize that if using a 664 or 633 with the CL12 it is necessary to supplement the power to the CL12 using some external USB power supply, but I was of the belief this was not necessary with the 688.  Fortunately, I had with me the appropriate USB power supply.  I quickly ran for it (while the event was still going on),  plugged it in, and the message went away.


Immediately after the event I called Sound Devices.  They told me there are now recommending users of the 688/CL12 combo ALWAYS use the micro USB power input in addition to the USB cable from the 688.  I said, does that mean others have had the same problem?  The answer was yes.  


Have others here found that to be true?  Do you always need to used the micro USB power input?





[Edit 11/5/17]  I failed to mention, I did have a small USB keyboard attached to the CL12.



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I used the 688/CL-12 recently on a series and never used the additional USB power. The only thing I noticed is the LED lights don't get as bright as I would like mostly when outside and I believe they get brighter when plugged in to USB power. 


I never had any problems during the run with it. I've thought about using the USB power though for the brighter LEDs. 

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I have used the setup without the USB power for a long time... never saw anything like that...  You may have to chalk it up to the needs placed on the system that particular day set up wise.. Could be any number of settings.. LED brightness really high... LCD brightness really high, track count high, recording time..long .... who knows..

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I suffered the same issue for several months. Other fails would include the unit locking up and/or going into update mode.

Lots of messing about, replacing aux usb power cables, etc, etc. -- Nothing worked.

I replaced the USB cable from the 688 to the CL12 and the problem is solved.

No more need for the aux power input, no more weird errors, no more shutdowns or lock-ups.

I suggest replacing the factory USB cable with a good quality cable first, and seeing what shakes loose.

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So are you saying you no longer use the "factory" USB cable?  What are you using then?  I thought using the factory USB cable was pretty important because of that large "choke".


When this happened to me, I did NOT use the headphone cable from the 688 to the CL12.  I just plugged my headphones directly into the 688.  Do you suppose that could have anything to do with it?






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1 hour ago, TomBoisseau said:



So are you saying you no longer use the "factory" USB cable?  What are you using then?  I thought using the factory USB cable was pretty important because of that large "choke".


When this happened to me, I did NOT use the headphone cable from the 688 to the CL12.  I just plugged my headphones directly into the 688.  Do you suppose that could have anything to do with it?






A I have always plugged my Headphones into the 688 and not the CL-12 ..,wanted to use up the cord...

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I've had the same warning pop up as well as another one saying I have "exceeded maximum allowed power consumption." They both have happened at totally random times. I unplug/replug the CL-12 and it goes away, or plug in the DC boost and it goes away. For information's sake; my headphones are always plugged into the 688. I've never plugged a keyboard or light into the CL12. Only other cable into the CL12 is the DC Boost.

I've been told to try a different USB cable, I just haven't had the time to do tests. But, that seems to be everyone's advice; change the USB cable.


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I have had the same problems with the maximum power warning, although they did not went away after connecting usb power to the cl12. Weirdly it happend on about day 20 of the shoot while never complaining before in same configuration. 

After it happend a few times more I stopped using one of my cart batteries and it never happend again, if I remember correctly.

(but still not convinced that that was really the problem).


Other Problem I had was also with the CL-12 "loosing" firmware and the question to update firmware now, wich sounds like the same problem Cujo experienced. Have not found a fix for that yet, so I let the 688 write the firmware and wait.

Thankfully I just needed 4 channels the first time it happend and could just work with only the 688 for the rest of the scene.


Will definetly remember to try a different usb cable the next time! 

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