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Everything posted by osa

  1. Thank you this is great. I will check into it.
  2. Ha! I know right it seems so obvious but number one - I’ve been burned a couple times not turning it on in a hurry, but then number two I get burned when I actually could use that back up with Timecode properly and i forget that i didnt do the manual power sequence - like yesterday. i own a furman rack power unit that does exactly this 3x levels of power delayed in sequence. Until howy comes thru - there has got to be a better way! Hoping for something clever diy
  3. Curious if there is an easy diy solution to delay powering a device from bds with an adjustable time. When i power on my kit, camera link tc starts at zero, jams, but bu files stay at zero. Talked to howy about this and i believe a fix is in the works. Just looking to power camera link to power on 5sec or so after mixer -Ken
  4. Thanks! I am good w general cleaning - its these white mics and absorbing “dies” from contact w older black foamies. Could be black moleskin as well. Oddly specific. It seems to imbed deep in the white cable material. Luckily only a few spots and i am now cautious about how i am keeping the white ones stored. Curious if anyone has found a fix to deep clean safely
  5. I have some white 6060s that unfortunately touched non-color fast black foamy in a few spots. Wondering if there are any tricks to get them back to white without damage? I have a feeling i am stuck
  6. osa

    Loon boom bits

    PSC for the win! I ordered two replacements for this loon cabled pole and also another PSC pole i have. I’m glad I did. They’ve changed the design a bit and it’s an absolute lock fit in the loon pole compared to the previous version:
  7. osa

    Loon boom bits

    is your loon pole cabled? I have a VDB as well, but I hadn’t considered trying it only because the cable output is configured differently at the top of the pole on my VDB. Here is a photo of PSC on the left and my VDB on the right. In the past, I have had that rattle movement at the top that you speak of. I am curious if the cut out all the way to the top even on the PSC affects how tight the grip is. with my PSC spud there is just a very tiny bit of wiggle, but nowhere near as bad as it was With the factory Loon spud.
  8. osa

    Loon boom bits

    I got home and tried a PSC spud from an older pole I have and its a perfect fit. Even better than the original you are right the longer tube and seemingly stronger design at the threads is a perfect upgrade. I had troubles with the original Loon spud having a slight wiggle. This is totally solid now. Going to call around and see if I can find a few for backups and replace in my other pole. Thanks for the tips!
  9. osa

    Loon boom bits

    This is great thank you. I have a bit of machining tools so i think i can drill n thread in a new stud and will also measure and see what size i might replace with via other manufacturers
  10. osa

    Loon boom bits

    My beloved Loon took just the right hit today to snap the spud. Had since 2008 and it is wild to see it last this long. Curious if anyone knows if parts still exist somewhere or if another brand is a worthy replacement? I have some various brands of boom poles. I can try spuds when I get home.
  11. I agree I gave the ifb headphones a shot because of his presence here and i ended up buying a bunch.
  12. Originally i thought the ebay ones “you get what you pay for”. After trying them and shortly after ordering a bunch more, these ebay versions work so well i can’t tell the difference. I now have them on every antenna and cable where applicable and it makes quick swaps a breeze
  13. Great thank you both my thoughts exactly. I see on the c70 you can read the pins numbered on the female side standard to these TA3 connectors where 2 n 3 positions are swapped vs full size XLR. But 1-1 / 2-2 / 3-3 makes perfect sense
  14. Making some cables for a friend of mine out of town. Looking at the manual for a C 70 I don’t see the pin diagram. Does the mini XLR connector follow the pin numbers on the connector or does it follow the pin configuration of a standard XLR?
  15. Thank you i finally did this repair. Followed your lead on a similar kit and wow what an upgrade with The DSP features. Really appreciate the input! The sound is amazing and way more flexible speaker in general now
  16. osa

    Dpa microdot repair

    I did have Trew Audio in Atlanta reterminate 2x lavs for me with microdot and it works great. I imagine the Nashville location could do it for you as well. Or other dealers that offer custom cables if you might prefer.
  17. Sorry i know you said you are bailing on C band but What about those freq’s that are in block 24/25 is that something lectro units support? It is only a small group @ 20mw if i am not mistaken but at least has saved me quite a bit being able to spread out
  18. I was skeptical because there are so many versions of these quick connectors and quite a vast pricing range all the way up to $45 apiece at mouser claiming scientific tolerances… but I went for it and I ordered two of these from ebay. For 15 bucks total incl shipping it is worth to try a pair https://www.ebay.com/itm/266290876999?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20240315132637%26meid%3D9da9e3f9ea6f414abfa89b08fc65cbc4%26pid%3D102055%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26mehot%3Dnone%26itm%3D266290876999%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2Mobile&_trksid=p4375194.c102055.m146925&_trkparms=parentrq%3A77a45a3818e0a24247dd5122fffff9c4|pageci%3A9795236f-eaf3-11ee-9ac7-06f0f82b2ea2|iid%3A1|vlpname%3Avlp_homepage
  19. Wow they are getting so sophisticated at scamming. I really wish someone would ride out the wave and see how far they could take it “reverse prank” style and share the details for our amusement. Nosborne you seemed to get close to creating real agitation on the part of the scammer
  20. Wow I got this text yesterday as well and glad i ignored it
  21. I have been using these quick connect adapters on my sna antennas for about six months now. Highly recommend if you switch often between ENG and cart antenna setups. I’ve used them in mission critical jobs and it allowed flexibility to swap a bunch of antenna setups quickly. https://www.americanradiosupply.com/sma-male-female-quick-disconnect-push-on-coaxial-adapter-connectors/
  22. in 2024 this is still not clear airport to airport. I have been flying a bunch carry-on only lately. Calling it a Fish pole or mono pod seems to work and a mono pod it is authorized for carry-on bags specifically. But it truly is up to the discretion of whoever pulls your bag aside. Total gamble and I feel a bit risky with an expensive boom pole. Oh my aluminum traveler is compact and expendable if it came down to it as I knew I could bill for a replacement in a pinch with those I travel with. I typically will add a second pool in a checked bag or in one of their SKB golf bag cases if Camera Dept I am traveling with Will allow me to
  23. This is great info as i myself have been struggling with air travel and a boom pole that works for me. I have a shorty ktek aluminum traveler that i dread using but it fits my carry on
  24. The XR makes sense to try since “stereo or xr” is the option for those being in the same family. I will also do an update check and try this all out again
  25. I did a 2x mic stereo 743 car to car rig that worked great in practice but had some squirrelly reception issues to work around. I was able to rig a sharfin antenna to the 743 and transmission was awesome. Curious if anyone here might have run into this as it seems not to be as cut n dry as it should be. 2x 414 modules in my nova. I noticed when setting a 414 module to stereo mode in my nova i had to reboot and follow a weird sequence in order to get it to work and also for a secondary wireless to work in the same module. 414 no1 - rx1 n rx2 all set to zhd96 and all 4x ch receivers show green = good reception 414 no2 - rx3 set to stereo and rx4 set to zhd96 - receivers show full red like it is trying work, but i have to toggle format on ea between zhd96 and stereo and then go back to setup/slot2 power off n back on to get this 414 module to show green and get good reception when a stereo trx is involved. with this config above, i have to repeat this process each time i power off the nova and power back up. Otherwise, 414 no1 shows full 4x green and 414 no2 shows full red until i “burp” the module as mentioned above. It appears turning on stereo reception throws my 414’s into a tizzy. in a perfect world i would just love for this to work as intended and be able to fluidly go in and out of these stereo and zhd setups. Like a camera link from a 2nd car bag to my nova car to car on the fly. My work around might have to be an rx200 dedicated to stereo configs in the future. Curious if anyone has history with stereo modes over the years that might help me understand as i recall this being similar with qrx receivers in the past.
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