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Hi there,

anyone using this software version in anger yet? - Am about to commence 5wk shoot on this version and would like to know any pitfalls?

As a new 788 user (switch from Deva) - please can I ask a few stupid questions?

My setup = 90% of the time I'm using an AD149 mixer on the cart. Analogue out to 788/CL8.

1) The CL8 is there for situations where I need to go hand held and be mobile. However, when the rig is on the cart - how do I bypass the CL8? - do I literally have to unplug it from the USB socket? there must be a menu option to disable it and have 788 act as a simple 8 input recorder?

2) how can I save and name 2/3 user setups - i.e. Over the Shoulder, Trolley/cart, other , .....etc and recall quickly?

3) I line up input trim on each 788 channel using line level tone @1K from desk - so the meters are hitting last green LED (-20dBFs i presume). To kill the record channel and avoid using up disk space, I need to dial the trim pot counter clockwise til it clicks off - and therefore lose my input setting - right? - how can I avoid this? I've tried the new software which says 'input enables only' but have had no joy, as once enabled, the channel is 'dead' and the 1K tone does not get routed to track ?? How do I maintain my trim position and kill the record track ?

4) In over shoulder mode, I'm using the CL8 to route mic channel 1 to Aux 1 Prefade. However, if I then route channel 2 to Aux 1POSTFADE - then channel 1 changes to POSTFADE too. It seems that each Aux is only capable of being either PRE or POST. They appear to be 'linked'. How do I 'unlink' them?

thanks and apologies for stupidity....



I used mix assist on a table read I recorded recently. I found it to be helpful for the most part, but I DID have to disable it on a few inputs where the actress was delivering her lines from side to side. The fantastic part of mix assist, is that I was able to do so (on individual inputs) while recording


3) I line up input trim on each 788 channel using line level tone @1K from desk - so the meters are hitting last green LED (-20dBFs i presume). To kill the record channel and avoid using up disk space, I need to dial the trim pot counter clockwise til it clicks off - and therefore lose my input setting - right? - how can I avoid this? I've tried the new software which says 'input enables only' but have had no joy, as once enabled, the channel is 'dead' and the 1K tone does not get routed to track ?? How do I maintain my trim position and kill the record track ?

Wyatt / Marc

De-selecting the inputs in the Input Menu (removing asterisks), doesn't remove the power consumption of that input. I'm not sure how much draw this really adds to the machine, but I think Simon is trying to be as energy efficient as possible. I assume for over the shoulder work.


My 788s are mostly on a cart, so I don't worry about turning the channel (is it the channel or the input that draws power?) off. But I get your frustration with the Trim / Fader / Enable Inputs Only setup. I think the Enable Inputs Only selection is new to 2.18 - but I may have skipped a firmware update the last time I updated.

Both of my 788s are setup to receive the same tracks from my mixer. Yet, I've managed to have one machine work with the Enable Inputs Only, keeping the pots down (but not completely off, I believe), and the other machine is in Fader Mode. What I find frustrating is that when I put the machine Trim mode to set the incoming level, I have to use the pot and try to get 0db, or -1db or 2db or whatever I end up on. I wish there was a way to either type in the setting or increase/decrease the level with arrow keys.

The whole relation between the front panel pots and the input menu is confusing. I usually set the trims to zero and put the machine back into fader mode. But if I set it up in Enable Inputs mode, keeping the pots down and then put it into trim mode to adjust one, they all assume the level of their pots at that moment.

This is the one menu section where I feel like I'm fighting the machine.

Anyways, no answers from me. Just sharing in the frustration...


That is true: leaving the input section on does draw more current and create more heat.

After 1 week of use, I bailed on going back and forth with the menu trims vs. front panel faders, and just got the CL8. Using the front panel knobs as input trims makes a lot more sense to me. I know the Deva menus backwards and forwards, and there is a completely different kind of logic to the SD menus -- logical in one way, confusing in another. Neither is perfect, but I have to say, I got used to Zaxcom's method faster.

If you use the 788 every day, the numbered menus become second nature. Ditto with the Input menus, shortcuts, limiters, etc.


Hi there,

anyone using this software version in anger yet? - Am about to commence 5wk shoot on this version and would like to know any pitfalls?

As a new 788 user (switch from Deva) - please can I ask a few stupid questions?

Glad to see the shoot we did together earlier this year didn't put you off your 788T purchase.

My setup = 90% of the time I'm using an AD149 mixer on the cart. Analogue out to 788/CL8.

1) The CL8 is there for situations where I need to go hand held and be mobile. However, when the rig is on the cart - how do I bypass the CL8? - do I literally have to unplug it from the USB socket? there must be a menu option to disable it and have 788 act as a simple 8 input recorder?

When on a cart or in a studio I do the same out of my Audio Developments desk using its direct outs. If you are not fussed about power consumption (which I'm not when working in a studio), I simply remove any left/right routing selection so none of the 8 channels are being routed to the mix bus and then disarm the mix left and mix right. This way you don't need to change the course gain controls so when you jump off the cart all you need to do is arm the mix left/right bus and route each channel as required.

2) how can I save and name 2/3 user setups - i.e. Over the Shoulder, Trolley/cart, other , .....etc and recall quickly?

One of the SD788T failings (that and the fact track names are not sorted alphabetically!). Buy some cheap 2GB CF cards and save each user setting to these remembering to label each one clearly. These can then be loaded easily and quickly.

3) I line up input trim on each 788 channel using line level tone @1K from desk - so the meters are hitting last green LED (-20dBFs i presume). To kill the record channel and avoid using up disk space, I need to dial the trim pot counter clockwise til it clicks off - and therefore lose my input setting - right? - how can I avoid this? I've tried the new software which says 'input enables only' but have had no joy, as once enabled, the channel is 'dead' and the 1K tone does not get routed to track ?? How do I maintain my trim position and kill the record track ?

The easiest and quickest is to disarm the track (similar to the method used to disarm the mix left/right) so the channel led flashing blue instead of solid.

4) In over shoulder mode, I'm using the CL8 to route mic channel 1 to Aux 1 Prefade. However, if I then route channel 2 to Aux 1POSTFADE - then channel 1 changes to POSTFADE too. It seems that each Aux is only capable of being either PRE or POST. They appear to be 'linked'. How do I 'unlink' them?

I generally work pre or post as I don't believe you can have one channel pre and another post. The manual doesn't make this clear either. Could you not route the aux from your AD149?


The 788 can certainly have for example, one track pre and another post or any configuration you need. I regularly use some pre and some post.

To do this follow these steps.

Press any PFL on an active channel.

The 788 will go to the PFL screen

Then press the play button.

It goes to another screen which lets you select pre or post for any track.

Use the scroll knob to select the track you want.

Then press the scroll knob in to change from pre to post or visa versa.

The line above the track is post, the line below the track is pre.

Hope this helps.


Peter Mega


The menu can store your favorites. When you're on the number you want, press and hold the play button. A small dot will appear nest to the selection on the right. From now on, you can use the right and left (FF/RW) buttons to jump to those selections.

I arm and disable tracks also by pressing input button and selecting or deselecting tracks. Much faster.

You can store custom routing configurations in the routing menu.


I'm definitely comfortable with my 788s and use them everyday - more hands off than over the shoulder work since I use them on a cart with a flatbed mixer. I just find the trim settings cumbersome and would love to see Jon T come up with an update that allows the setting of the input level to be more exact than can be done with the scroll wheel. It's really my only complaint about the 788. I wouldn't even think of it except that on certain scenes I need to reconfigure the second track and change the input level in preparation of those scenes.


I'm definitely comfortable with my 788s and use them everyday - more hands off than over the shoulder work since I use them on a cart with a flatbed mixer. I just find the trim settings cumbersome and would love to see Jon T come up with an update that allows the setting of the input level to be more exact than can be done with the scroll wheel. It's really my only complaint about the 788. I wouldn't even think of it except that on certain scenes I need to reconfigure the second track and change the input level in preparation of those scenes.

Even with clumsy fingers, the input trim can quickly get you within .5dB of any desired numeric gain. Not sure how precise you need to be.

Yes, it's tricky to dial in 0bB, and mine vary from 0dB to +/- .2dB, but try as I may, I can't really hear the difference.


Even with clumsy fingers, the input trim can quickly get you within .5dB of any desired numeric gain. Not sure how precise you need to be.

Yes, it's tricky to dial in 0bB, and mine vary from 0dB to +/- .2dB, but try as I may, I can't really hear the difference.

Yeah, it's precise enough in the end - just annoying that the scroll wheel isn't weighted more so I don't have to rock back and forth so much, trying to land in the vacinity.


Yeah, it's precise enough in the end - just annoying that the scroll wheel isn't weighted more so I don't have to rock back and forth so much, trying to land in the vacinity.

Wait. I'm confused. Gain with the scroll wheel? I always use pots on front.


No you're right. The pots on the front. Mixing up my wheels.

Btw, did I mention I'm a Virgo? I'd like to get all of the inputs to 0db easily.

Aries. And me too. But I've learned to breathe and let it go, after much time wasted trying to nail that 0dB



Hey Josh,

If you've updated your machines to 2.18 you can finesse the input gain a bit more by setting the machine to the "trim pots just activate channels" mode. This will turn your right scroll wheel into an input trim


Aries. And me too. But I've learned to breathe and let it go, after much time wasted trying to nail that 0dB


Aries here too... gave up trying to get everything at zero on the Deva, it just doesn't work that way. Doesn't bother me too much since I already had 30 years under my belt where all we had was the position of a pointer on a knob to go by.


Hey Josh,

If you've updated your machines to 2.18 you can finesse the input gain a bit more by setting the machine to the "trim pots just activate channels" mode. This will turn your right scroll wheel into an input trim

Where is that setting? That's different than "Input Enables Only"?


Aries here too... gave up trying to get everything at zero on the Deva, it just doesn't work that way. Doesn't bother me too much since I already had 30 years under my belt where all we had was the position of a pointer on a knob to go by.

It's only because there are numbers that I want to set them to exactly zero. I never remember the exact spot of my trim pots, only go by ear and feel. But since there are numbers....


Where is that setting? That's different than "Input Enables Only"?

Thats the one. Sorry for the quotes... I suppose they were more air-quotes than anything. I couldn't remember off the top of my head how they named that function.

But yeah. That should get you what you're looking for


Thats the one. Sorry for the quotes... I suppose they were more air-quotes than anything. I couldn't remember off the top of my head how they named that function.

But yeah. That should get you what you're looking for

The problem with that is I end up switching from "Input Enables Only" to Trim mode as part of switching over my Track 2 from Boom ISO to a second Mix track. Once I change the menu setting, the 788 reads all trims as being all the way down. So I end up adjusting each individually and then putting it back into fader mode. Since the channels are coming in Pre-fade, that sort of locks them in.


hmmm. I dunno then. That was my only thought.

Just out of curiosity, why do you have to switch back to trim mode when you change your input configuration? You do all routing from the board, right?

I know you have complex delivery schemes that you have to adhere to. I do my routing in the 788, but I imagine that you have even greater flexibility dealing with your routing from the board. I guess what I'm thinking is... Couldn't you just switch the boom output to 3 and switch those channels intended to go to your second mix track to output 2?


hmmm. I dunno then. That was my only thought.

Just out of curiosity, why do you have to switch back to trim mode when you change your input configuration? You do all routing from the board, right?

I know you have complex delivery schemes that you have to adhere to. I do my routing in the 788, but I imagine that you have even greater flexibility dealing with your routing from the board. I guess what I'm thinking is... Couldn't you just switch the boom output to 3 and switch those channels intended to go to your second mix track to output 2?

Not too complex. I give a little bump on my mix track. If I need to do a second mix track, I do re-route the boom from 2 to 3 via the dip switches on my board. But I then need to give the bump to track 2 as well. That's when I have to switch into Trim mode. I don't like to record a second mix if its not different from my main, nor do I like to lose a track to an empty slot (we don't do a lot of wiring, but there are times when it fills up fast - like yesterday: Mix, Mix, Boom, Lav, Lav, Lav, Lav, Music and 2 more lavs that weren't ISO'd or combined into a Lav sub mix).

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