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"Sound Speeds" vlog


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  • 4 weeks later...

Izotope RX7 has allowed me to relax about constant fridge noises, and the like. I'll just blithely ask if we can quiet those compressors. If they say no, and they usually do, I ask if post will be using RX7. At that point, it doesn't matter what their answer is. RX7 is out there if their audio matters at all.


Sounds a bit jaded, I know...but I say it this way, because I no longer feel the need to fight for issues that will work themselves out in the end. My job is to say: Hey, those things will get us. Or hey, those things ARE getting us. As long as they know it's there. Then I'll put it in the sound report. 

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Part Two:

On 10/20/2019 at 9:24 AM, Rachel Cameron said:

Izotope RX7 has allowed me to relax about constant fridge noises, and the like.

If you're doing Post yourself, then I agree!

However often I have no idea who is doing post, often they don't even known themselves!
And shockingly there are still people out there who haven't even heard of RX7 yet. 

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Since I don't do audio post, it's always a mystery what happens to the files after I turn them in. That's right, I rarely get to know that, too. 

BUT! If I hear that somewhere in the post flow is RX7 (and I ask), with my knowledge of that toolbox, I can relax some about that noise they didn't hear when they scouted. But only after we chat about it some.


If they've not heard of RX7, it might be the moment to tell them about it. I've done that too. The bottom line is not to anguish over a mess they created, unless you scouted it with them, and signed off on the coolers. 

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  • 5 months later...

 Hadn't planned to be part of this 48Hours, as it was announced last minute and everyone is under lockdown. But I got asked to do some lines, so I tried my hand at voice over acting! At least I've got the nifty gear to whip something together?

Also an excuse to set up a workflow I'll be using on shoots once lockdown is lifted, but the coronavirus is still a health & safety concern. Likely, the lav tracks will not be the option for some edits. But what if I can still give the editor more options than just the single boom track? Thus my plan to loop my boom track over AES through the CEDAR DNS-2. Using the mono split feature of the CEDAR DNS-2, I could have one output being a soft touch of noise reduction, and the other option a harder go at noise reduction of the boom track. Thus giving the editor three tracks to choose from in the edit, to select what is best for them. (of course, ideally they should do the NR in post, but not everyone has the skill/software to do that, many projects don't have a dedicated post audio team but just the one editor doing both the visual edit and the audio at once)




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