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    Sound Recodist / Boom Op / Sound Utility who is located in Auckland, New Zealand.
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  1. An over three year old seller on AliExpress, with 97.8% positive reviews (455 of them), that bodes well for you, I hope it arrives!
  2. So sad it wasn't more popular, it was one of the best things about the F Series ecosystem. (at least I'm lucky enough to have one for myself!)
  3. Oh I'm definitely not predicting a MixPre mk3 "soon", I just am merely thinking I'd bet on better than 50/50 odds that the MixPre series would see an update to it before there is an update to the 8 Series. Now is that update six months away or six years away? I dunno.
  4. Betting on the MixPre mk3 recorders coming out before the 8 Series is replaced is a bet I'd make. Not a bet I'd make with a lot confidence though, but I'd give it better than 50/50 odds. But yes, I'd expect to see more wireless products before any new recorders.
  5. True true, I know that, but 95% of the time when people talk about limits they're meaning the pre-fader limiters, not digital post-fader limiters. (as is the case with inputs 4 to 6) 633 also has limiters for the AES inputs which are post fader (as yeah, why would you need it to be pre-fader if it's AES?!)
  6. Compare its price to the Sound Devices or Zaxcom control surfaces: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1548965-REG/sound_devices_cl_16_linear_fader_control.html https://www.gothamsound.com/product/aria-8-mixing-panel https://www.gothamsound.com/product/mix-16 https://www.gothamsound.com/product/oasis-mixercontroller It's a pretty good price the pricing for the Sonosax. But there are many other options you could use with the 833 other than that or the CL16, such as: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1443131-REG/studiologic_sl_mixface_the_sl_mixface_control.html Yes, as it's digital, it either would be peaked or it wouldn't be peaked. What's the benefit in having limiters pre-ISO on an AES input? (having it after I could perhaps appreciate the purpose of it, but not before?)
  7. I highly doubt it will happen within the next couple of years. As I expect the rate of updates to slow down, what big update is there worth adding to the 8 Series anyway that couldn't be done via firmware updates? Plus even if a new "9 Series" (or whatever the update to the 8 Series would be called??) comes out tomorrow, it would probably be a replacement for their flagship (the Scorpio), and it would be another year or so until the 833mk2/933/whatever comes out. So you don't need to worry at all about the 833 coming out tomorrow. Their Sonosax SX-R4+ is even older than the 833. Surely theirs is even more "overdue" for an update? Eh?? It isn't that expensive. And is cheaper than the Sound Device CL16, or the ones from Aaton or Zaxcom. (btw, you can use the same Sonosax control surface with an 833 if you wish!!) 😞 You could use this instead of internal Zaxcom receivers if you don't wish to use Zaxcom wireless at all: https://www.gothamsound.com/product/nova-aes-interface-module But I think if you're not going to use anything from Zaxcom whatsoever aside from Nova, it feels like a bit of a waste? Kinda. And makes much more sense to go with an 833 instead. Perfect, you just described the 833. No, you're thinking of the 6 Series and specifically the 633. The 833 has 6x inputs (XLR & mini XLR) with phantom power and limiters.
  8. It's a great tragedy they haven't given us a FRC-8 mk2 and instead have flat out discontinued it 😞 You could mix with the iPad (and/or the knobs on the F8n itself), a "good enough" solution for a low budget short film. Or the next step up, would be to go old school with an analog mixer in front of it, something such as the PSC Solice Mini would be very nice indeed (and one of the more affordable good options. Cheaper than a Cooper or Sonosax or similar mixer. However this would be just as hard to track down as a FRC-8).
  9. I think as you've got a 2x DSR4 then getting a SL2 is a very sensible idea, as you'll get all the full benefits of using the SL2. Personally I haven't as my wireless is largely a mix of Lectro SRb / Lectro UCR411 / Sony DWR-S02D / etc, so I've been perfectly happy using the XL-AES for getting extra channels of wireless into my 833. If/when I get a DSR4, then I reckon I'll go for the SL2 as well, but for now I'm in no rush.
  10. I haven't, as I've got COS11 lavs as my main daily usage lavs, with a mix of OST / Trams should I need extras. However I've boomed for others who are using the Deity lavs, and they seem happy with them. Certainly if I was to buy any more lavs, at a lower price point I'd be going for Deity rather than OST / Trams. (just back when I got mine, Deity lavs didn't exist just yet)
  11. Am surprised nobody has mentioned the Deity W.Lav Pro yet, it's only a hundred dollars (plus terminating it yourself, or getting the microdot adapter), is weather proof, and is compatible with the popular COS11 accessories. https://deitymic.com/products/w-lav-pro-lavalier/
  12. Just to clarify what I was saying earlier: The average american male is 5'9", the average american female is 5'3". For people of that size, I'd imagine the cable length is perfect. It's just for myself, I find it to be just slightly too short, enough to be annoying but not enough to stop using it. (I was wearing it myself today!) I personally have 2x Remote Audio Speakeasy V3 speakers. (as well as video village, another example of how I used one recently was in a car driving scene. I had one in the follow car, made it easy for everyone in the car to listen, without them needing to wear headphones)
  13. To be fair, even if you give them high quality ones it is still hard to get people to pay attention to that.... I purchased one of these recently to give it a spin, I really like it, especially for the price. It's a good alternative to the Sony MDR-7506. Perhaps the only thing I don't like about it, is I wish the cable was slightly longer. (not by much, just one more foot longer). Because if the person is tall-ish, such as myself, then the cable is slightly too short and always at risk of popping loose! Especially if you mounted it anywhere else than on your hip. As you've got zero margin of error. Putting it into a waist belt bag? Uh oh, that's an extra inch or two lower, odds of the connector unplugging just doubled. Want to swap the receiver from left side to right side, or have it mounted at the back? Nope, can't reach that far. Want to put it in your pocket?? Forget about it!! No chance the cable will reach it securely, as you won't be able to move your head freely because the cable is too short. Or what if you wish to run the cable under your clothes then at the bottom come back up to put it into the jacket pocket? Again, not possible, because you're too tall and the cable is too short. Anyway, that's just an observation I've had for people my size or similar / taller. If you're nowhere near it, such as if you're under six foot, you'll be perfectly fine with no issues. I'm definitely being nitpicky, and am an edge case, which reminds me, I should buy a short 1ft cable so I can have more flexibility when using it. For everyone else though it's perfectly fine. Maybe the perfect length that's a happy middle would be to make the HT Elite Monitors / HT Scene Monitors the same length as Walkie Talkies manufactures make their cables for earpieces? (as they're a well established piece of equipment, used by millions of people, clearly that's a well tested length on a wide variety of human bodies over the decades) It seems like their usual length is 4ft / 120cm? (although the length isn't completely standardized, but it's the most common length) That's merely half a foot extra than HT Monitors are already. In my biased opinion of course I'd prefer a full foot longer, as even Walkie Talkies I can find to be slightly limiting sometimes (I might for instance find them to be slightly shorter than I'd like if I'm mounting them to my mixing bag), but that's just the downsides to being "tall".
  14. Those too would just be something HamiltonBuhl has got from a factory in China with their own label added to it. I buy these exact same headphones from Aliexpress (with no branding at all) for about NZ$5 each (about US$3), and I know if you're buying in bulk (much greater quantities than I get it! But if you're a big AV rental company for instance) then they're only fifty cents NZD each.
  15. When you consider the huge amount of inflation there has been since the 664 was announced in 2012 vs prices today in 2024, then I think it isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things unfortunately. I agree. I love my 833 but if it was a bit lighter, not quite as hot, and used a lot less power, then I'd be a happy man. Have often thought that if Sound Devices took the guts of their MixPre6 and put it inside a 633/833 then they'd have a banger on their hands. And they'd have "most of" (kind of ish) the R&D already done for such a machine, they're not starting completely from scratch at ground zero. (as the MixPre6 and 633/833 are already very well established machines) As a lot of your day to day smaller jobs don't need the extra software capabilities of an 833, and could be done by the MixPre. Just it's annoying the ergonomics of it. So if the MixPre6 had the body of an 833/633, with full size XLR outputs instead of 3.5mm, with mini-XLRs instead of 3.5mm for the extra inputs. A better direct control over faders/trims as the 833 does it, rather than via the MixPre6 ergonomics. And no longer have the annoying USB powering or additional hirose sled to power the MixPre6, instead hirose powering like the 633 (or perhaps unifying the approach by using the same TA4M input as the 8 Series has, even though the "MixPre6/833 Hybrid" wouldn't merely be sipping on power and doesn't need the TA4M connector as hirose would be plenty. Plus the MIxPre10 already uses hirose, and likewise maybe it would also use the cheaper BNC connector for TC rather than lemo like the 633/833 does). Plus actually having two card slots that are easy to access (vs the awkwardly hidden away card slot under the battery of the MixPre series + a USB drive). And having a more logically placed menu and headphone knob on the front rather than on the side! Just to mention a few of the improvements this "MixPre6 in an 833/633 body" would have. Also because the "MixPre6/833 Hybrid" would draw a lot less power (and thus produce less heat) than an 833, perhaps the case could be made out of something else than metal (which is necessary for the 833, to get rid of the excess heat). Such as a lightweight carbon fiber chassis. Not sure where exactly this "MixPre6/833 Hybrid" would be priced, obviously above the MixPre6 but below the 833. $2K-ish would put it priced at nearly double the MixPre6 and roughly the same price as the MixPre10. Maybe if they added a couple more TA3M inputs (or a single TA5M, or even a 3.5mm stereo input) so they could make it technically an "8x ISO recorder", then they could price it at US$3K-ish. Putting it a full grand above the MixPre10, the currently most expensive MixPre recorder, while still being half the price of an 833. As there certainly is a big price gap in the market in between the MixPre10 and the 833, this "MixPre6/833/633 Hybrid" could nicely slot into this gap. I'd imagine such a "MixPre6/833/633 Hybrid" would sell like hotcakes. (maybe that's why they wouldn't make it? Worried it might cut into 833 sales too much?)
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