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Is the MKH-50 the most versatile small condenser to pair with a 416?

Unison SoundWRKS

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About a year ago I landed my first indie feature and picked up the short and long Deity shotguns based on the 416 capsule. The long shotgun functions just like I remember the 416T and the short shotgun is very versatile. However I came across some issues in my application of the short shotgun (RFI and handling) and am looking for a new primary indoor and interview mic. Looking at what I need it seems as though the MKH-50 is the obvious choice but I wanted to run it by you guys to see if there is anything else you would recommend.


I don't have access to any rentals, dealers or distributors in my state, so testing mics side by side is not an option. I hoping your experiences can help guide me in the right direction so I can test a select few mics independently before making a purchase.


Things I need:

- Matches with 416 style mics, but allows for growth into other brands. (Schoeps, Sanken and DPA are all on my radar)

- Dependable RF shielding

- Wide pickup for capturing group conversations

- long reach for booming wide shots from a ladder

- Moisture resistant

- Indoor + outdoor use

- Versatile in lots of applications; features, docs, commercial, interviews, VO, Foley/SFX


Things I would like but don't need:

- Over 20khz frequency response for sound design 

- Modular capsule system

- Matching fig-8 for M/S recording


Mics I'm considering and would like feedback on 

- Sennheiser Mkh-50

- Sennheiser Mkh-8050 (seems like it matches my wants and needs but hear lots of complaints from the 80xx series)

- Rycote SC-08 

- Audix - SCX1-HC (seems like a great plant mic that may work for interviews)


Thank you


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The MKH-50 is a beautiful sounding mic.  I don't think it matches with the 416 well as I find the 50 accentuates the low end, while the 416 the high end.  But that's just my ear.  I also found the 50 to be sensitive to RFI. I got rid of my matched pair of 50s in favor of Schoeps CMC6 with the MK41 capsules.  I like the Schoeps because I feel they match better with my COS-11s.  I didn't find the MKH-50 matched well with anything because it sounds so good, nothing else sounds as good haha.  Take that for what you will, but I personally think the beautiful sound of the 50 works paradoxically as a kind of detriment to it.


The CMC series are also versatile capsule wise if you're into that type of workflow.  The CMC1s are very compact as well. And they have the MK8 fig 8 pattern capsule.


I don't personally like the Audix.  I find the high end falls off hard at any useful distance, but I haven't used it in many years at this point so I may not remember it well.

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7 hours ago, Jesse Flaitz said:

I also found the 50 to be sensitive to RFI.

I got rid of my matched pair of 50s in favor of Schoeps CMC6 with the MK41 capsules. 

I like the Schoeps because I feel they match better with my COS-11s. 



Thanks for the info! Are you running into any issues with the 641 and humidity in NY? I'm moving out there next year and is a big reason for my RFI concerns.

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6 hours ago, Unison SoundWRKS said:

Thanks for the info! Are you running into any issues with the 641 and humidity in NY? I'm moving out there next year and is a big reason for my RFI concerns.


Never had an issue with either of my 641s in the NY area.  My miniCMIT succumbed to humidity once, but I've never had an RFI or humidity issue with the 641s.  I've never had humidity issues with the 50 either, but RFI yes, and on several occasions.


And welcome to NY when you arrive.  It's beyond slow right now, but hopefully next year will pick up significantly. shoot me an email when you get in town if you want to get a meal somewhere, randomsoundny at gmail dot com.

3 hours ago, Conor said:

Consider the Sanken CS-M1 as an alternative to the MKH50


This is also an excellent microphone IMO if you want to save a couple hundred $$.  I don't have extensive experience with it tho, so I can't speak for humidity/RFI issues.

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Around 4-5 years now, every sound mixer I have worked; they provided Sennheiser MKH50 to my hands. Some of them where afraid to use it outside, two of them have switched to MKH50 exclusively for indoors - outdoors. Only bring Sanken CS-3e if I am more than 60cm above the head. I would prefer slightly Schoeps MK41 capsule in some female voices, but you know, can't switch booms during the take. lol


Never had RFI issues or humidity, even with MK41 - have used in salt water as well.

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I've seen strong RF upset the internal RF oscillator inside the MKH50 as have a few other folks I would imagine. The strength of the MKH design can make it sensitive to RF whereas the Schoeps will be sensitive to humidity and moisture IE reaching the dew point on an overnight shoot although in Schoeps' case they have newer CMIT capsules that are more immune to moisture. Having boomed for years with 41 I'll say that the 50 is not as natural on the edge of the pattern if you are playing the mic that way - but its strengths are a strong off-axis rejection that feels like a shotgun, very low self noise and a rich quality to the voice you are miking.

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9 hours ago, Michael Capulli said:

I've seen strong RF upset the internal RF oscillator inside the MKH50 as have a few other folks I would imagine.

Has anybody noticed an issue with digital vs analog wireless when using the MKH50? (when the transmitter is mounted at the end of the boom pole) 

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21 hours ago, Jesse Flaitz said:

I can't speak for humidity/RFI issues.


The Sanken shotguns are incredibly resilient. In a rentals pool of 40+ mostly CS-2s and some CS-1s and CS-M1s we've never had one go down or need repair in the 5 years I've been here. A lot more immune to RFI as well

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On 8/15/2023 at 7:17 AM, IronFilm said:

Has anybody noticed an issue with digital vs analog wireless when using the MKH50? (when the transmitter is mounted at the end of the boom pole) 


Nope. I have used MKH 50 with Lectrosonics HMa Plug-On, Lectrosonics DPR Plug-On, Wisycom MTB40S Plug-On, Wisycom MTP40S + PHA48 Combination, Audio Limited (or Sound Devices) A10. No issues between these combinations. So far, no one has been gave me the Zaxcom TRX745 or ZMT4; so I can't comment for this digital wireless.

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