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About Conor

  • Birthday 04/03/1993

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    South Africa
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    Audio equipment repair technician
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. The HDM digital mode has good performance with only 2mW! But they do state it's something to be used in more controlled environments and with slightly reduced frequency response (20Hz-16kHz). Walk test in this video yields good results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phjOWKIKwzQ&t=320s&pp=ygUVbGVjdHJvc29uaWNzIGhkbSBtb2Rl
  2. I know it's not specifically production audio, but the Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Handbook is an invaluable learning resource for all things audio.
  3. Not to mention the SD Nexus and A20s which do all the way from VHF up to 1525MHz. Even at their high pricepoint they start to look more attractive when you consider this
  4. Well, any and every piece of equipment can and will break under the right (wrong?) circumstances. The measure of quality should really be something like, "How often does the unit experience failures under normal operation?". Through this lens, I would rank the 788T very highly (higher than 6-series), although the earlier mixers (not mixer/recorders) would definitely have less critical failure points, not having all of the extra functionality and digital processing, interfaces etc
  5. If you're after good SD pres then those on the 552 are the best they get. Lundahl mic transformers per pre, same as the 302, MM1 and 442.
  6. They will, have sent several recently
  7. You need to get that right cheek off first, which means removing all the screwsr off that panel. Be really careful when you take it off as there are plenty of cables jumping connectors to the board. The AA holder stays attached to the cheek but unclips from the board at the end (you can pull it out of the tab at the end and retaining wire near the cheek). Then you can get all the pot caps off and take the front off.
  8. Not a field-ready rugged build No stable TC generation No physical potentiometers and interface Being at the mercy of Apple/iOS updates etc No removable media No dual recording We could go on
  9. You're just missing Wisycom from this list. As for your USB question, it's kind of a moot point. No professional wants to use audio over USB to a tablet as their recorder, for many reasons. Better to have a dedicated recorder like the 888 and use the SD remote app on a tablet for remote control and metadata editing as needed.
  10. You could reach out to SD and ask about authorized repair dealers in your area. I'd offer to help but I'm all the way in South Africa. That's awful, 4 times is a stuff up. I'd request them to have it repaired at SD seeing as they've increased the amount of issues. It is a tricky repair, they're obviously in need of a more skilled tech.
  11. Definitely recommend the local tech route. SD bench fees have gotten quite pricey, esp for the older gear.
  12. Is it all 3 of the larger fader pots that are doing it? (CH1-3 faders). It would be odd for all three pots to fail at once, could be something a bit more serious. I'd get it to a local tech for assessment ASAP
  13. The Hicons are terrible and unreliable. The Switchcraft are decent and the best are the ones that Sennheiser themselves sell.
  14. Have you considered a coax folded dipole antenna? They're pretty flexible but it might work out quite long at 1/4 wavelength of a VHF frequency. Lectro has a good article on a DIY coax dipole: https://www.lectrosonics.com/the-wire-lists/wire-lists-24-making-a-coaxial-dipole-antenna-with-6-items-in-8-easy-steps.html
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