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DPA customer support?


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I would first reach out to the retailer you purchased the 2017 from then if advised contact DPA directly. 

Contact via web portals are always slow in my experience.


Nothing beats a DIRECT call. 


Hopefully this helps. Good luck!


Here is the contact for North America. 
DPA Microphones, Inc.
1500 Kansas Avenue, Unit 3A
Longmont, CO 80501

Tel. +1 303-485-1025

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Ouch this hurts to hear. My first experience buying a 4017 when they first came out the VP of U.S. operations in colorado (if I recall correct)  personally helped me get it repaired. I assumed their service would still be at least close to this if you call them direct at the longmont location? But i know these depts change hands and service can go out the window. Bummer if that is the case as I have gone off the deep end with DPA mics

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I had an annoying experience emailing them a few years back. Basically I was trying to figure out what’s the deal with older 4060s getting stiff cables. I wanted to know things like, did you change the cable type at some point? If so, what serial number range was the switch. What’s the best way to keep them soft and prevent the kinking.. etc. their response was basically “you can throw them in the trash, they’re old what do you expect and you should just buy some new ones”. I told them I had some Sankens that were much older and still had soft cables. Their response was that I should buy Sankens then. Lol. 

I’ve bought some used DPA stuff since then but nothing new off the shelf. 

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Here in Germany it’s been ok. Whenever I‘ve had an issue I have gone through local distributor who either repaired things themselves or sent them to Denmark. 
They replaced a C preamp under warranty and an entire 4017 which had suffered from water damage. So I am quite happy with their support. 
I just wish they would use more words. On social media there are no reps as far as I know (except for this one guy from Belgium) and when they do repair something (or not) they don’t contact me prior. They just send everything back without further comment. 

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Hello Derek, 


GerrAudio is DPA's Canadian distributor.

I'm sorry to hear of this frustration.

You can try GerrAudio 1+(613) 342-6999 and ask for service. 

Email would be service@gerr.com


I do not work in service but I am the sales manager for Ontario.  Please feel free to contact me directly if you have further issues.  adrian@gerr.com


Have a great day!

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4 hours ago, Adrian Sterling said:

Hello Derek, 


GerrAudio is DPA's Canadian distributor.

I'm sorry to hear of this frustration.

You can try GerrAudio 1+(613) 342-6999 and ask for service. 

Email would be service@gerr.com


I do not work in service but I am the sales manager for Ontario.  Please feel free to contact me directly if you have further issues.  adrian@gerr.com


Have a great day!


Wow, I just called and got instant help...where have you guys been all my life?? lol

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Happy it worked out.


Please don't hesitate to contact me in the future if you have questions or concerns.


Also, if you can, please register for our Demo Days coming up soon. Registration is free and we would love to see you there.




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