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RIP John Coffey


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I was saddened to hear that John Coffey passed away recently. I’m sure that others who knew him better than I will have already heard this news, but I thought this sound community should know of his passing. His “ little shop that could “ up on Cahuenga here in LA was my first introduction to professional location sound equipment. He would let you walk out of there with thousands of dollars of gear on just a handshake. John would give you his home phone number in case you needed anything after hours or on weekends. Crazy way to run a business, but he made me a loyal customer up until the day he sold the place to Glen Trew.

Here’s hoping you’re at peace, John.





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A very kind man and completely willing to give anyone the benefit of his long experience in production sound.  At the end of his career as a PSM he really tried to get producers to see reason about wide-and-tight, all-lavs-all-the-time and stupidly noisey locations with the famous "Letter", mostly to no avail but it made him a hero to us soundies.  As a vendor, as was said, he could not have been more supportive of the production sound community.  RIP JC.

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I knew him, liked him, and as already said he was generous, kind and helpful to everyone who came into his shop.

I went there the first week he was open. I still have a T-Shirt. He came along at exactly the right time.

As I remember it he started Coffey Sound because he got side ways over equipment with the old Location Sound (was that Professional Sound) and had to open his shop to supply himself and friends. The competition with LSC helped bring many new things to the community.

My condolences to his family. He deserves a Headphone marker on the Sound Mixers walk of fame.



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Oh man I totally missed this.  I barely knew him either, but I did speak with him a few times.  Mostly I'm a fan of his awesome and emotional posts that he used to make here.  Somehow, I always remember his stories about dishonest DPs and camera ops, and how he almost got in a fight with the DP in the middle of a highway scene.  That's my kind of guy.  I wish I knew him better, he was clearly a giant.  RIP Mr. Coffee.

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