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David Lezynski

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About David Lezynski

  • Birthday July 9

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  • Location
    Oakland, CA
  • About
    Video Engineer, DIT, DataManager, Sound Mixer, MotorcycleRider, Last of the RedHotLovers.....
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. Maybe an old ECM-50 in a carrot. ECM-50 was pretty immune to wind with minimal treatment
  2. How does autocorrect deal with Tuchel? I do enjoy dusting off the historic dust bin of ELEGANT solutions. Thx Jim
  3. Clumsy interface is fine?....... In the 80s 90s with crummy video recording, Beta, 1"Sony/Bosch we used a Nagra IV for preamps. Was a goofy large solution but we delivered superior work.
  4. Crafty is more like Moxie and YooHoo and a student deferment from the draft. The delay line is a 744T with 2 inputs disabled. As inconvenient and expensive as a charming 1/4" recorder can be, a bit bucket is very attractive. Don't hold your breath on a production schedule Cheers
  5. I really have no good reasons for doing most things in life. The little vintage sound package is an assembly of old friends that have helped me over the years. All the pieces have been with me on pleasurable projects and memories of those projects spill out of the sound bag when my buddies are yanked into service. Color me nostalgic. I have a buddy DP who uses Bausch & Lomb Baltar lenses from the 1960s and we will be shooting a horror short using vintage/newish equipment and old school techniques. Tape measures, focus marks, good enunciation. Cheers
  6. Cracked me up... a scatalogical element requires a warning. From a new twisted director.
  7. Yeah...... Sony's XDCAM/MXF for Venice format is 8 track embedded. There doesn't seem to be a way to turn off tracks 3-8. Same with the F55. Annoyingly, yet easily able to delete tracks 3-8 either in Resolve or Premier. As easy as it may seem, I currently have 22 hours of audio to sync and edit. Easy, yes.... Annoying?... surely
  8. I started editing with Resolve V12 and kinda figured it out. Pretty OK. When Resolve 14 came along and added Fairlight, the audio functions and integration made it a real editor. Resolve is at #15 now. Free cost up to UHD Export. 4086 resolutions and up + noise reduction $300/yr. All resolutions will import into the FREE version of Resolve. Yes, 8K Resolve is a medium challenge to learn, particularly the bin, timeline, media organization. After i got motivated to learn Resolve I spent some hrs with Lynda.com 's excellent tutorials $25-$30/month or free through IATSE. You can do it by yourself but nodes are not intuitive and the # of Ah Ha tricks that are buried in the boiler room are too numerous to easily find yourself. There are plenty of zerk fittings, access panels, worm holes and plumbing that will please the techno-mechanics in all of us. Free. Titling is easy and flexible, Free too! The catch is, Resolve takes a bit of horsepower to run. As mentioned, CPU is not the determinant of transcode/export speed, GPU is. A newish TB2 MacMini may be adequate, with 16GB memory and an internal SSD but realtime/24fps export is the high end of our current 4K-HD transforms. I have seen Sony 4K XAVCHD- H264 !920X1080 scream at 2-3 fps on a macmini. No, I mean the editor is screaming. Currently a new 3Ghz i7 16GB SSD mac mini will cost ya $1500+tax. However, Apple anticipates a new Mac Pro early 2019 and the 5K iMacPro is now available for a crushing $8-12K. BUT, The nMP Trashcan that was introduced in 2013 is pretty available on Craig's at $1800 for a Quad/D300GPU/256 flash basic machine, to about $3000 for a 12core/D700GPU/1TB Flash. I just bought one for $2400. Screaming deal for a screaming/non-screaming editor. The other Ah Ha is hard drives. At 4K, which is the minimum that is being aquired on-set in 2018, be prepared to buy a 2 platter RAID 0 at minimum for compressed 4K so that you get a non-pausing playback. 12TB = $700. A more solid Hard Drive is a 4 platter 24TB RAID 0 or RAID 5. 24TB=#1500-2000 will getchya smooth playback for MOST 4K footage. RAW 5K-8K footage, all bets are off. Test Test. Resolve is free and Blackmagic design will be around for a few years Cheers
  9. As a Vietnam Veteran 1966-1970, the art is appropriate.
  10. All the info is correct..... you missed that TC IN is not connected to the Lemo The BNC TC connection is IN only-----Not switchable to an OUT like the 5/55 The Lemo has TC OUT only------No TC IN like ARRI/AMBIENT. All this may change with Versions/Firmwares updates------ 5/55 went through a bunch before the camera became useable
  11. Here's a lame feature of the Sony Venice that the Sound Department should know about. Timecode can be input at the BNC TC-in, but cannot be output there (What was TC-I/O on 5/55 is IN only)) Timecode Out is available at the AUX 5P Lemo which looks like ARRI/Ambient Lemo std 5P, BUT TC In is not connected at the Lemo 5P., so if you were expecting to lock Venice TC via the Lemo 5P~~~~ As Tony Soprano used to say: "Fugettaboutitt" As a tribute to the Italian roots of the "Venice" can we nickname the camera "The Sony Bennett"
  12. From the Hollywood Reporter. Their read on actors and other entertainment self-employed https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/study-new-tax-bill-shafts-working-entertainers-but-stars-are-untouched-1067571
  13. As far as my accountant (a real protector of Schedule C self employed) can tell, most, if not all deductions for self employed, will be removed from consideration. So, expenses like vehicle, supplies, office, may not be deductible. Union dues are still unclear. Almost certainly, entertainment and promotion will be crushed. I think we're fucked and will pay more taxes. Medical and home mortgage interest and state taxes, and property taxes, in some unclear formula, shall be removed from consideration. Triple Fucked. Arrrrrrrgh. Cheers~~~~~~~~~ Mourning the collapse of our democracy and middle class.
  14. Wrote my first invoice on PAID in 2002. It is still in the database even with multiple updates. Never thouht Pooch was a profiteer, but rather someone who understood our freelance/contractor structure. Always solid and always $79 even in 2002. Great product, great value
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