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Jeff Wexler

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Everything posted by Jeff Wexler

  1. I just heard that Chris Newman has died, February 3rd. My father gave Chris one of his first jobs in sound on the movie "Medium Cool". Chris had done some documentary work and my father had already decided that "Medium Cool" would be shot very much in a documentary style during the Democratic convention in Chicago in 1968. Chris was helpful in the beginning of my career in sound but I realized in hindsight that I learned a lot more about the politics of sound mixing than I did about actual sound mixing. In retirement Chris was a great teacher and was very generous, even throughout his working career, with his knowledge and experience (and opinions!).
  2. I am very sad to report that the love my life, my sweet Carol, has passed away. Many of you know her and have worked with her, Unit Still Photographer Carol McCullough, retired for many years now but never on Facebook. She had a fall, one of many, and was in rehab getting Physical Therapy and had a stroke from which she did not recover. We were together for 35 wonderful years with no loss of love, through wonderful times and not so wonderful times -- I miss her so much.
  3. Thanks for the report. I think we may have fixed everything -- let's hope!
  4. Still trying to sort this out. We're working on it. - JW
  5. The site is experiencing problems now after a software update. It may be affecting Safari primarily as I am using Chrome now to make this post (I do not typically use Chrome). We're working on a fix. Sorry for the disruption if members are having problems. - JW
  6. We have a section "Want To Buy - Want To Sell" which is used by members on this site. It is not a general auction or classified ads type of section and is restricted to members who have made at least 5 posts. If you contact me and I can verify you, I might be able to give permission for you to post an ad.
  7. I am surprised that you did not find me on the list of StellaDAT users -- I was one of the early adopters way before Sonosax had anything to do with the recorder. Just as you had stated, one look at the StellaDAT and I was in love -- easily the most "Nagra like" DAT machine ever produced. I actually went through 2 machines and finally had to give up on the StellaDAT. The first problem was the dreaded sunlight problem --- light getting into the machine and tripping the optical sensor and shutting the machine down. The other major problem was heat. The machine would get so hot you could barely touch it. I had to abandon it in. favor of the HHB PortaDAT that proved to be the most reliable of all the DAT machines I used (and I think I used them all). I never fell in love with the DAT format and was so pleased when I was an early adopter of the Zaxcom Deva, the first file-based production recorder that revolutionized the industry.
  8. I do not normally single out individual members who have donated, but I'm making an exception with a special shout out to Philip Perkins along with a thank you for his incredibly generous donation. Philip is certainly one of the founding members of JWSOUND signing up just under a month after our launch. Philip's participation here has been so wonderful, so thoughtful and helpful for so many, his generosity sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience is a cornerstone of the site. We have all benefitted from the huge variety of jobs Philip has done over the years, developing the art of sound recording for everything from commercials, documentaries, feature films and live concerts. Thank you!
  9. Thank you Jim for offering guidance for Donations. -- and huge thank you to all of our great members who have so generously donated without me even asking! JSWOUND continues to be one of best online communities and this comes from all of the thoughtful and generous participation of our members. Thank you !!!
  10. Nice!
  11. Jeff Wexler


    I made a brief post which helped me deal with the current situation. I do not encourage nor discourage anyone else making comment. We do have an unwritten policy of trying to keep most political discussions off this site (we retired the Society and Politics section years ago) but no one should be critical of a few comments at this time. What has just occurred in this country is way beyond just "politics". So, to all our great members of this online community, monitor and moderate yourselves as you have always done, one of the main reasons JWSOUND has endured.
  12. Jeff Wexler


    I'm in shock, still cannot fully understand how this happens.
  13. My only experience with this was in 1988 I was audited for the first time by the State of California where they claimed I had failed to sales tax to the State for my equipment rental. With a lot of back and forth I explained that I did not charge sales tax on my rental to production companies because they just would not pay it. Well, you still owe it to us (and it was a lot of money). Finally it was explained to me that if I paid sales tax on my purchase of the equipment I had put into my rental inventory, I did not need to charge and collect when I rented it out. So, that 's what I did -- paid sales tax on all of my purchases. All of this requires of course the golden rule which is never refer to the equipment as kit rental or box rental and keep it as far away from any money you receive for your services. The rental of equipment is its own standalone business and you need to run it that way.
  14. That's wild! I have seen the Aaton - Stellavox unit but never this Nagra conversion. I was well aware of the other conversions mentioned but not this one. Very interesting.
  15. Thank you to all those who have just donated to support JWSOUND -- I truly appreciate every one of you, for your donations, of course, but more importantly for your participation in our long running online community. I believe that JWSOUND is still a special place even in today's world of massive proliferation of social media.
  16. So true and you have been with us from the very beginning, always offering up an amazing variety of work experiences you've had. In the beginning I was often surprised by the types of jobs you were doing until at some point I realized that of course Philip is doing a mayonnaise commercial one day and a symphony music recording the next day. I learned a lot from you. Thank you for sticking with us.
  17. Constantin, even though you joined in 2012 I consider you as one of our core members who have contributed so much good constructive and informative posts over the years. Regarding the use of real names, I have always encouraged this but never felt that it was so important to actually institute security measures or sign up routines that mandate it. At a certain level what bothers me is that I feel like I have gotten to know so many people here but I do not like having conversations with "soundie276" or whatever. I will continue to think about this issue and thank you for bringing it up again.
  18. I am celebrating the 18 year anniversary of the JWSOUND site. I started the site in 2006 in response to the almost total meltdown of our beloved r.a.m.p.s. group. It was pretty much an immediate success with almost everyone who was on the newsgroup coming over to the JWSOUND site. We have a core group of members that go all the way back to the beginning of the site and are still with us, participating and contributing so much to our sound community — for this I am so grateful! We've had a few bumps in the road, a few updates that went badly, always striving to make things better for our members. We improved the Search routines, still not perfect but coupled with Google it has allowed our members to delve back into some of the most interesting posts from the past. We have over 15,000 registered members from, 23 different countries, we have had generous and unsolicited donations from so many that have been incredibly helpful for me to keep the site up and running. I'm open to any suggestions people might have to further improve the site and its functioning. Regards, Jeff Wexler CAS, your host at JWSOUNDGROUP
  19. UPDATE: I'm fairly sure have solved the problems people have been having with CloudFlare Error messages and being locked out of the site. I have had CloudFlare disabled and since then I have not had the problem. We had this same problem back in 2021 and the solution was the same -- disable CloudFlare. Hopefully things are working well now for our members. Regards, Jeff Wexler - JWSOUNDGROUP
  20. As far as I can tell, Rode will lose just as Lerctro lost. The patents are solid whether you agree with them or not. Defending the patent is no fun at all but necessary for any company that holds patents that presupposed to prevent other companies from stealing. The legal costs are substantial and obviously hurts Zaxcom ore than Rode (Rode is a billion dollar business). No matter what the legal costs are, it has to be done, it will be settled in court and Rode will have to wait like every other company until the patents expire. Of course if Rode agrees to a licensing fee (something which many, many other companies have had to do to produce products that are deemed to infringe), they would be able to legally manufacture and sell a recording transmitter.
  21. I used aluminum rack rails on all of the last carts I built and they worked out fine. I did make sure that they were very firmly supported at all points attaching to the 80/20 profiles. I will add that I never had any very heavy or substantial rack mount equipment installed, and for heavy stuff like cart power supplies, etc., always mounted down low and often with additional support along with the rack rails. Tourtelot has made some good suggestions though I think he is more concerned than I hav ever been.
  22. I'm having the same problem, first sign on pages are missing image icons ( " ? ") and re-loading the page often yields the CloudFare permissions thing. Re-loading again usually clears it up. I'm trying to get support to sort this out since it happened right after a recent software update.
  23. We just had a recent "Security Update" from Invision Power (software platform this site is built on) and they may have introduced some different security protocols. I will look into my site's settings and see if anything has changed and I will also look at settings regarding member access regulations.
  24. Thank you "The Documentary Sound Guy" (sorry, I do not know your name) for your understanding of the guidelines of the site. I realize the whole timing and having a paid advertisement show up in the M & D section is not common. I really want to avoid the abuse from the past, specifically with a few manufacturers who really did mess things up a bit. I think we're on track, still, to been of the best online communities with a fantastic membership. I will continue to moderate with a very light hand and I truly appreciate all the participation from our members!
  25. The posting in the highly restricted Manufacturer and Dealer section is a PAID advertisement.
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