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About BAB414

  • Birthday February 14

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  • Location
    New York, NY
  • About
    New York based IATSE Local 52 Sound Mixer
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. There used to be a guy here famous for saying "It depends".
  2. Sheet metal screws. Had to look it up
  3. I always drop the bag when the picture car is untethered. Automix is good enough for dailies and monitoring. RF from car to car keeps me up at night. I know people do it but it's not for me.
  4. I just came into a couple invisity flex receivers in the 195-202 band. What transmitters are available that can operate in this band that will provide the best range and performance? I'm aware of the T4 at 50mw. There's also an older phonak transmitter I know little about, and then there's the older lectro "M" series. Any others I should be aware of? Or any to avoid? I'm curious what will give me the best overall performance and what antennas people recommend that aren't too huge/impractical.
  5. I like to use the M-216 with a mini mite for car rigs for extended range.
  6. There are a few in Marriage Story. The one that sticks out is the room full of actors right before rehearsal for their play. Wally Shawn is talking about some sexual escapades, one of many conversations happening at the same time. This kind of chaos is sort of the point of the scene if I remember right. Another sequence is toward the end where the whole cast is out at a restauarant after a show. For that one I remember we had something like 17 (or more?) lavs and two mixers.
  7. I've done a few scenes with Noah Baumbach like this. He is very meticulous and intentionally wants the scene to feel "real" this way so we wire every single person who speaks and he combs through later in post to highlight the lines he wants to stand out using the lav isos.
  8. BAB414


    The Roger's are very disappointing in their range but they work if you are super careful with the repeaters and/or remoting the base station. I would love a new analog solution. I know Phonak had to stop production of the classic.because they don't make the chips anymore but can they make a new model.off of new chips?
  9. I made some mods to mine so these are not exact but my SC-4 is 36" long (including a little lip I put over the front casters, and the handle that juts out of the back) 24" wide, and about 48" tall. That's all I got.
  10. You should absolutely expect better but I will say your case sounds like an anomaly. I have x4 98Wh hi-q's (Remote Audio labeled) that have never given me issue. 3/4 of them are over 60 cycles.
  11. Here's a boom mic on some low budget indie movie doing motion capture. He is also lav'd.
  12. Can you daisy chain 2 of them for 16 channels of control from the boards?
  13. So clean! How are you liking the DSR4? What are you using for rf distro?
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