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Everything posted by nwstudios

  1. Political opinions are one thing. Where I think it crosses the line is when it turns in to personal attacks. Discuss the issue, not the person. YMMV
  2. Studio monitors is one of those subjects that is almost equivalent to politics and religion.
  3. Don't know if that is the best way but I export one track at a time.when I am handing off something that will get future mixdown. If things are complicated an OMF?
  4. nwstudios

    Roland R-88

    B&H has had it preorder status until this week. Looks like it is now available.
  5. My apologies. It read it a bit like an attack. Red Epics have vastly contributed to post production billing
  6. If it is a legitimate case of copyright infringement why shouldn't Red be taking up litigation? Given the price tag to take on these kind of legal battles I would doubt they would take on Sony just for the heck of it.
  7. I've never had any luck getting an AAF out of PP but can't say I tried that hard. Never had an issue with OMF.
  8. Pretty good bet if Avid does go under someone will buy up PT and MC at least.
  9. Having never used Avid MC, is it worth 4 times the price of Premiere Pro?
  10. Practical? http://www.macrumors.com/2013/02/12/apple-has-team-of-100-product-designers-working-on-a-smart-watch/
  11. nwstudios


    Avid has a new CEO as of yesterday. Earnings announcement later this month. "Could Hernandez’ appointment, made by the company’s Board of Directors, spur a turnaround at Avid, manufacturer of the industry standard DAW (by a landslide) and the crucial core of many, many music studios, film and TV audio post suites, and live venues? Well maybe – but seeing how Avid is steadily sinking, there may not be a whole lot Hernandez can really do." http://www.sonicscoop.com/2013/02/11/avid-switches-ceos-will-louis-hernandez-turn-it-around/
  12. Only the first layer or two. Then tape normally. Example 2 layers of Scotch 88 sticky side up 2 layers of Scotch 130 linerless rubber, this stuff pretty much melts together. 2 layers of Scotch 88 sticky side down for a finish layer.
  13. When doing most types of tape solutions the professional way is to use electrical tape for the first couple layers with the sticky side out. This makes it much easier to remove.
  14. I'm certainly not a physicist but guessing the only frequency limitation on creating acoustic waves would be the mechanical construction of a device to generate and receive them. K7XD
  15. No bride is going to want a boom mic at her wedding. Plant mics and a handheld for after the ceremony.
  16. For pure portability a 5/8 vertical is going to be hard to beat. The down side is you will have some bandwidth limitations.
  17. Be sure to price replacement bulbs and estimated hours. Some can be quite expensive.
  18. There are times when making less money is a better option than making no money at all.
  19. Switching from FCP to Avid MC would no doubt come with pain. The place I do most of my post audio for just switched last year from FCP to Premiere Pro. They slowly integrated in order to stay productive. In the end the market will dictate whether or not they can be competitive with a FCP workflow. Seems to me they are putting off the inevitable but I am on the fringe of the business so I really don't know.
  20. I would stay away from anything that claims to be RG-8. Go with either RG 213 or LMR 400. Best bet for connectors would be to call a place like Digikey and tell them what you are trying to do.
  21. I pretty much figured you could measure the difference between a clean and dirty connector at 600mhz.....
  22. Sounds like you need a better network analyzer
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