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Dave Rainey

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Everything posted by Dave Rainey

  1. what are folks using to mount their Dipole antennas to the new Stingray bags with the mounting screws already attached? Thx!
  2. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QN5JQG9/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07QN5JQG9&pd_rd_w=z4nHA&content-id=amzn1.sym.98eae024-ddf8-4aae-a3d1-746298cd5013&pf_rd_p=98eae024-ddf8-4aae-a3d1-746298cd5013&pf_rd_r=2J1XM59ZYFGYH7DXQDKV&pd_rd_wg=r9bBh&pd_rd_r=e64b942d-f5d7-4a4a-879a-b09547086c08&s=generic&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyNTRFRFgxT0kwS05EJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTg0OTQ2MkFVVE1STzFOUTNWWSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUExMDAwMDU1M1BaSTBMWEFENVdaVCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbF90aGVtYXRpYyZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  3. Get out and record and be aware of the quality of what you are recording. Make mistakes and learn from them. Focus on the source you are recording and with the proper mics you can reject a certain amount of unwanted noises. Like you mentioned, "high-voltage towers" or traffic, etc. First thing is to search out areas that are not near these things. Travel a little further if you have to. If you can't avoid them totally, then you can deal with having to correct things later, in editing. But you will not be under any constraints, like having to work where the production decides to shoot. Get out and listen closely. Get good levels and record more than think you will need. Most basic editing software can remove low frequency hum, or hiss. Archiving and selling is something that will come later, after you get your experiences dialed in and start getting some good, usable stuff. Good luck!
  4. focusrite has some decent interfaces. specifically the scarlett line
  5. Its the hardest thing in the world for some of us to not take these kins of things personally. Especially what may seem like attacks. You obviously care a great deal about your work and providing the best service you can. One piece of advice is to weed out certain clients or situations/job that you know are high stress or not going to be good for you. It can be very hard to say no to work, but if it means your survival and longevity in the biz, then its worth it. The technical stuff is what it is, and you can only do your best with what you are given to work with. Mental health is far too important, in my opinion. Take care of yourself and hang in there. Let this one past, with some time, you will be ok. I hope this helps a bit. And I know you are doing the right thing reaching out to this great community here.
  6. Mark, I have that exact bompole for sale on this site. Brand new.
  7. are you using the ones with the base? or plugging directly into your recorder? photos?
  8. are there any issues jamming in general? i am working with this camera for the first time this coming week. Thank you.
  9. first instincts in this situation is to pass. mall the reasons meantiones by others. Second, not sure how they get away with one man department on a union show with that kind of workflow and amount of wires/booming, etc. i would not do it as a one man department. Ever. Too insane.
  10. really cool! I enjoyed that very much, thanks for sharing!
  11. Here is a link to a documentary I worked on a couple years ago that I thought y'all might enjoy. A Tribute to Chet Atkins/60th Anniversary of Gretsch Guitars.
  12. Thank you for the reply Larry! Anyone know what version of FireFox works? I've followed the instructions on the Lectro site with no success. I tried with an older version of Firefox And the latest release. It just keeps wanting in install Silverlight for some reason. So I never get to Wireless Designer.
  13. What are other MAC users experiences here? I have not been able to download Wireless Designer nor get Silverlight to work. The Wireless Designer link just keeps wanting to install Silverlight. Using latest ver. of Firefox, as recommended.
  14. how do they compare to the URSA straps; comfort, durability, etc?
  15. I also sold quickly when I heard about the coming changes. So I got some decent prices for my gear; four 411/um combos in 24/26 and some extra transmitters in 24. I did reblock one um trans and kept it for an IFB feed. I would say now its probably hit or miss with selling vs. re-blocking since the cost has gone up significantly for that service. Everything I own now is in A1(470-20) and 21. Good luck!
  16. environmental doc shoot. boom seems happy to be the lookout.
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