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TC Slates

Chauncey Taylor

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Hi I’m interested in hearing other people’s opinions on slates these days I imagine there are some posts about the diety when they released, (I didn’t dig back yet.)


A- When will denecke and ambient incorporating the Bluetooth and other sync features into their products?


it seems like some of the ambient eco system has been discontinued or not still available ?


I was leaning towards that because I have really liked working w Nano (s) 


I’m just really debating these choices now, I thought I could get some good feedback here hopefully.


I really trust and like deneke too and want to by US made.  Diety is LA company and  I like that it says it is walnut sustainably sourced in the great state of Tennessee- So I guess Glenn is out sourcing between shows? lol 


 I’m looking to build a TC kit workflow w Boxes and balance my budget for new wireless too.  I want to invest now for what will work down the road. I know the denke is the standard in US and ambient Europe. 

How does this new diety compare and are they going to catch up or what comes next, there just has to be even more innovations to come here I would have to think? Correct?



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Denecke for me. No interest in trying to use a different kind of slate. When will they incorporate Bluetooth and other features? I hope never. I like that the slate has no menu to navigate or  wireless status to keep an eye on. Battery. Jam. Don’t worry about it again until tomorrow. 

After it gets dropped for the 100th time maybe it will need a short trip back to Denecke for a reasonable fee and then it’s good for another 100 drops. 

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I have an operational slate that was sold to me by Mike Denecke himself in the 1990's that has been dropped (and thrown) innumerable times, survived years of air transport, was drowned in seawater at least twice, worked in rain, mud, dust, arctic/snow, jungle/humid environments and is still ticking.  I wish I had survived all those shoots as well as my old slate has.


That said please report on how well the Deity slates hold up in real world use.

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A third, for not only the Denecke, but a no for a slate chock full of needless technology. I solution looking for a problem. Sure, the bells and whistles do sound cool, but in reality they never really play a primary role in a workflow. I do own a set of Tentacles mostly because ACs request them, but my clock is being generated by either my SD, or SB-4 and the tentacles are jammed to those.

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+1 on my Denecke TS-1 surviving seawater immersion.  I don't know how it survived, but it did.

I have mixed feelings about the bells and whistles.  I really don't want to interact with my slate via an app or Bluetooth.  If adding that functionality is enough to make things unreliable, then I'm out.  But, self-jamming is really nice.  With the number of devices that need to be fed timecode these days ... it just feels less error-prone not to have to jam them all manually.  My primary TC "network" is Zaxnet, but I have a set for Deity TC-1s for when camera complains about size.  Both jam things automatically, and it's really nice not to worry about missing one, especially in the sometimes disorganized scramble of joining a set for the first time (this happens a lot, since documentary is my bread and butter).  Sure, you can stick a self-jamming timecode box on the back of a Denecke, but if you are going that far, why not have self-jamming built into the slate itself?

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I own an Ambient LockitSlate (1st Gen -- not Take 2), and I love it.

It's incredibly intuitive and easy to set up TC. 

Not a fan of the newer Take 2 version though. It's clunky and unintuitive, ironically enough. 


Can't speak to Denecke or Deity slates -- but I imagine the Denecke slates are the industry standard for a reason. 

I've also seen the Ambient slates on many sets too. They're sturdy as hell. 

I've personally had better TC sync experience with the Ambient Nano Lockits, compared to Tentacle sync. 

The Lockits are more robust and accurate -- but not as easy to setup, which is a big flaw (no Bluetooth functionality, you have to use a clunky software). 

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TS-C and JB-1 for me.  I've used my TS-C for a decade and the JB-1s are the best on camera TC solution IMO.  I don't need continuous sync solutions when the solutions available are frame accurate for 12 hours. 


JB-1s are one of my favorite pieces of gear full stop, they are beautiful and simple and they just work.

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2 hours ago, Jesse Flaitz said:

TS-C and JB-1 for me.  I've used my TS-C for a decade and the JB-1s are the best on camera TC solution IMO.  I don't need continuous sync solutions when the solutions available are frame accurate for 12 hours. 


JB-1s are one of my favorite pieces of gear full stop, they are beautiful and simple and they just work.

100% agreed. Only difference is TS-3EL here, otherwise same. 
I am all for new tech when it can help, but in this case see no reason to bring in BT and apps. —> Jam and verify, then forget about it for the rest of the day. 

I used to occasionally get an AC coming for a new jam because they had mistaken the on/off switch on the slate for the backlight switch, but ever since the switches got labeled with nice big p-touch stickers, that problem seems to have stopped, or at least been minimized.

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Everyone I know who has been using Deity slates, both Mixers and ACs, seem to be liking it. I've got a couple of Deneke slates myself, but I know that currently if I was to ever get another then it would be without a doubt a Deity TC-SL1



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1998 Denecke ts-3 Slate for me along with a couple ts-2 boxes and a couple Tentacles for the kiddos with dslr cams.


My Denecke gear has probably been dropped a couple hundred times by crew. They take a linking and keep on ticking.

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Denecke did make a brief venture into the world of app-connected remote-synced slates with the TS-TCB. I have one that I bought in 2016. It was a joint venture with Timecode Systems, and syncs with their UltraSync One sync boxes (now made by Atomos). I loved the promise of the workflow - I had hoped to be able to set the Scene/Take info on my Sound Devices mixer, and have that mirror on the slate. At best, I was able to change the display from my iPhone or iPad using MovieSlate, but it was always too time consuming and kludgey. It would also all stop working every time Apple upgraded their OS, and I would have to spend way too much time troubleshooting. 99% of my work is done in Time of Day freerun mode, so jamming usually makes more sense than dealing with syncing all of the devices via RF. I ultimately had Tap Plastics make me a piece of acrylic to cover the extra display on the slate that I can write the missing info on. I recently bought a used TS-3, and haven't pulled out the TS-TCB since.



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Denecke full size slates + JB-1's are my go to for timecode.  They just work and I don't have to fuss with my phone/tablet/whatever as they just jam and work.  Don't forget the resell value also as I often see well used Denecke slates selling quickly for not much less than they were purchased new.


At the end of the day, timecode is just an accurate clock.  No need to make a clock complicated.

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Thank you all for your valuable input and advice, I greatly appreciate it. I was unaware that you could have the crystal calibrated annually.  Does anyone know the RMA process for this?  

I think we will see more and more  innovation in the future from all the players mentioned here. 

Happy Slating! 

I strongly advocate for advertising your Name On the slate for Both editors contact inquiries and hopefully marketing and promotion as well, as the slate seems to always be the centerpiece of BTS and other media advertising of our industry.  Get I.& L.!

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