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Johnny Karlsson

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Everything posted by Johnny Karlsson

  1. Yeah, but I like keeping our local shops in business, and considering I can do the production sales tax rate, plus picking up in person rather than pay for shipping, it all kinda evens out… Regardless, they work for the purpose and last long enough to justify the price (less than $10).
  2. Thank you for pointing this out. Also, looks like these are tapped for rack screws on both sides, which likely also would be problematic for simply replacing existing steel rails.
  3. I just got the same thing. The other day, I got one that said I was temporarily banned haha!
  4. Maybe do a little more research and figure out what you really need. They are all good, but different features may or may not be what you’re after. For example LR is mono and has the display on the side, which is not ideal for most bag setups. Not to mention the connector is on the top of the unit.
  5. Right. But they are not really for what we do. But could great for people who work in noisy environments and need to be able to hear each other talking…? And also, I could be wrong, but - the sound in the video is probably not recorded through the headphones, but is rather some pretty ‘over-tweaked-in-RX’ sound from a mic just to illustrate the idea for the viewer.
  6. Yeah, where to begin…? Those company moves… sounds hectic, and difficult to collect 100% of them before leaving each location under that kind of (assumed) time pressure. They end up in agency peeps’ purses, cars, and sometimes with the walkies (yeah some people just don’t know the difference). I had one show up a month after a job when the walkie rental company called me saying an IFB with my phone number on it had come back with their returns that day - obviously from a completely different shoot, that I had nothing to with. So yeah, not sure about air tags, but I mark everything with my name and number to make it easy to get ahold of me if someone finds a lost one. Maybe someone else can chime in, but how would the AirTag get attached, and how reliable would it be to not get separated…? Tagging 20x Comteks = $500.00 worth of AirTags….
  7. As long as you connect pin 1 on the XLR to pin 1 on the TA3, pin 2 - 2, and 3 - 3 as marked on the connectors, you should be fine. (the debate on whether to connect pin 1 to the shell, or not, has been going on for decades hah!)
  8. Yeah, and those are digital hybrid, meaning the sound is digital, but the RF is on an analog transmission. Personally, I very much prefer them over any prosumer gear. The new digital Lectro gear may not be cheap, but it is proving to be amazing in my experience.
  9. Well, it’s not exactly super busy in general right now. The strikes last year were mainly regarding the writers and the actors, and currently negotiations are underway for many locals, including sound, camera and pretty much all basic crafts and crew, teamsters etc. So, it feels like a lot is on hold at the moment. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon and things will get moving again. (Yeah - I’m one of those optimistic types hah!).
  10. If in-ears would work for you, I got these last year, and like them: Technics True Wireless Noise Canceling Bluetooth Earbuds EAH-AZ60M2
  11. You know you can adjust the aluminum spine up and down to tweak the length of the harness, right? I’m about 1 cm taller and can definitely attach the cross chest clip (which can also be adjusted by sliding up and down.
  12. Any remotely legit production should definitely have production insurance that covers both people and equipment. If they don’t, that would be a major red flag. Ask them for a COI that lists you as a loss payee. Should be a matter of getting it emailed within the same day. - Anyone renting anything from a rental house needs to have insurance coverage from production. As for S Corp, I was told it only makes sense if you’re making over $150K per year. Went to a “class” specifically focused on what we do, but I haven’t really looked into it too closely after that. One thing that made me appreciate payroll jobs was when the pandemic lockdowns happened - having done enough of them to be able to get unemployment was a life saver …
  13. If it's the same with both mics, I think you can conclude that it is not the mics, but rather it's either the TRX, or there might be something going on with your pole's wiring.
  14. I know you meant 35 milliwatts … Anyway, yeah digital is different. I wouldn’t say anything is any kind of RFI immune, but I’ve been running DBSM @ 25mw with great results.
  15. Scammers putting so much time and energy into these elaborate schemes… seems like their lives would be much easier simply getting a job. Literally any job, especially now when minimum wage has gone up, and unemployment is still below 4%….
  16. Some interesting insights on WMAS here: https://fohonline.com/articles/on-the-digital-edge/wmas-wireless-multi-channel-audio-systems/
  17. The SSM is definitely not water resistant anywhere near this level. I always keep mine in the silicone thing to protect it from sweat.
  18. Right, but makes me wonder if there might possibly be some new features not yet announced, given the steep price jump compared to the DBSM…(?)
  19. Nobody can say for sure 100% what may happen at some undetermined point in the future, but those bands you mentioned are of course the ones we can use in the US at this time. Which one of them would be best is depending on where you work. In a lot of areas in Los Angeles, it’s fair to say scans in B1 look busy, but you can always find a few usable frequencies. A1 looks somewhat better, but random things like EMT can show up out of nowhere and wipe you out, even when the scans looked clear 5 minutes ago. Having one block of clear freqs in 941 might of course better than having 3 congested blocks…. But again, who knows what might be best on any given day at any given location. So many variables possible, including other sound mixers nearby (or driving by). And again, who knows if that gets auctioned off at some point in the future….? So in conclusion - get one of each and you should be covered - at least for now hah!
  20. You have good mics. You have a 552 - that’s 5x good pre-amps with direct outputs. My 2c: I would suggest going with a good converter/interface, such as the ones from UA, or Apogee and record to a DAW (If you don’t already have them, buy or make 5x TA3 to XLR cables). Seeing the you are recording in “good sounding rooms”, I feel there’s no real need for a portable recorder. Plus with a DAW, it’s much more practical for overdubs, punching in etc. And I could be wrong, but when you do final mixing/mastering you would likely be doing that in a DAW anyway. If you’re set on using a portable recorder, I would recommend looking at a MixPre 10 with the music plug-in.
  21. 100% agreed. Only difference is TS-3EL here, otherwise same. I am all for new tech when it can help, but in this case see no reason to bring in BT and apps. —> Jam and verify, then forget about it for the rest of the day. I used to occasionally get an AC coming for a new jam because they had mistaken the on/off switch on the slate for the backlight switch, but ever since the switches got labeled with nice big p-touch stickers, that problem seems to have stopped, or at least been minimized.
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