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I have always been attracted to art. I do not draw, or paint, although I love to take photo's. I love when I can take an artistic approach to a scene. For a couple of years now, I have really been digging "street art", and found a great website for it, in case anyone else is interested.


Here some recent art finds I would like to share with everyone.



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The Invisible Bridge of RO&AD Architects

Project Name: Moses Bridge

RO&AD architecten

Contributing architects: Ro Koster, Ad Kil, Martin van Overveld

Structural Engineer : Adviesbureau, Lüning
The Netherlands

, Oude Tonge, 
The Netherlands

 Municipality of Bergen op Zoom

Halsteren, Municipality of Bergen op Zoom
, The Netherlands

Used Materials: 
Accoya Wood, 
Angelim Vermelho

Total area: 50m2

People often attempt the improbable of walking on water. We have often walked underwater in a pool or ocean, but to walk below water without getting wet or wearing a diving suit was nearly impossible until now. Designed by RO&AD Architects of the Netherlands and Belgium, this pedestrian bridge is an access route to the Fort de Roovere, part of the 17th century defense structures. The concept and execution is so unique that from afar, it is really non-existent. All that you see is a marked line in the landscape but it appears flat and it doesn't interrupt the views of the area. Only when looking and standing parallel to it, can you experience the depth and unique experience of walking under water, all without a drop of water on your clothing.

The ''Moses bridge'' located in 
Halsteren, Municipality of Bergen op Zoom
, The Netherlands, scores the land and penetrates the water using processed timber to retain the walls and resist decay. This allows a separation from the pedestrian and the water, providing an exciting and unexpected experience whilst walking through. The concept and execution was crucial to preserving the site’s integrity and allowing views to the Fort.



Built with Accsys Technology, Accoya wood undergoes a nontoxic proprietary modification process called acetylation that renders it an unrecognizable wood source, preventing fungal decay from the exposure of water and moisture while increasing its structural stability. While this water walkway is simple in concept, it is quite complex in its execution. We are thoroughly impressed by this as it is an old bridge concept transformed into a new interaction with the body of water once below. While some may find the whole experience of walking through the water interrupted by a recessed bridge somewhat intimidating; we believe the opportunity of traversing the bridge, exciting.




link: http://yatzer.com/The-Invisible-Bridge-of-RO-AD-Architects

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