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Trey LaCroix

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Everything posted by Trey LaCroix

  1. Great idea! Didn't even know those existed. Thinking about doing the same thing with the Bublebee piece of fur? I was thinking some people might have some home made solutions they could share. I could certainly start experimenting with a few things. Would gauze color the sound too much? Guess I could try it and see.
  2. Both mk4 and 41 depending on the shot/car. Usually from above in the visors with a GVC swivel. Sometimes from below with an arm. That’s usually my plan B, which can sound really nice, but I often find I don’t get the reach I need with a lav. I just really like the sound of the Schoeps in the car (and in almost every other scenario). I bet fuzzy car dice would make a great windscreen! I hope I get a movie with a hot rod in it soon. Ideally not much larger than a teardrop. The rycote softie I’ve been using has a habit of sticking out too much from a visor and getting hit by the actors knees from below.
  3. Hey there! I'm a big fan of using my Schoeps capsules for car scenes, but as of now haven't found a great windscreen for this application. For windows up I use the teardrop windscreens and that works fine, but when we need the windows down the only thing that will properly protect against the wind is a softie, which I find to bulky to hide properly. Has anyone found/made/imagined a low profile windscreen to protect against wind coming into the car?
  4. Could you do a stereo set up in that? I think that’s what the OP is trying to do.
  5. The 8020-50 won’t fit properly in a Leo ball + a suspension without the high pass filter module. Too small.
  6. They better! It’s about damn time they come out with a new Scorpio. The old one was announced a whole week ago! Talk about old news. But in all seriousness that seems awesome.
  7. Trey LaCroix


    Yeah, that really bugs me too. A lot of people are going entirely AES in now.
  8. Trey LaCroix


    That’s what I’m hoping.
  9. It’s a different problem. The 406x cap has a problem with concealers and rm-11 type mounts and seems to do okay with adhesive. The 606x seems to be the opposite.
  10. It snaps on. I have to be really careful with mine. Especially when it’s in an overcover or somesthing. Pops right out. Last I checked you couldn’t even order replacement caps yet.
  11. Have you checked other mics/mounts to rule out the boom pole as the culprit? I’ve boomed with that same set up extensively and found it to be pretty quiet. do you have the high pass on? Without it the CMIT can be pretty sensitive.
  12. One jam all day no drift. Simple as that. They rule!
  13. Works for sweaty chests great! Doesn’t reduce chest hair noise as much as I’d like.
  14. Which Lectrosonics block sounds the best?
  15. You’re doing God’s work over there. I’ll be anxiously awaiting. All my mounts are Cinela except for my mini CMIT mount and for the sake of sound and my OCD I can’t wait for them all to be Cinela. I love my Cosi, but find it a tad to big when trying to dodge overhead flags and the like. No other complaints!
  16. Out of curiosity, has anyone tried a cinela osix 1 with a mini CMIT or other similarly sized mics? Seem like it might fit. Don’t know how effective the suspension would be?
  17. Hey all, I started to notice that my vDb pole has occasionally started creaking from the 1st or 2nd section (I think) when I do really quick swings while cuing. Any idea what might be causing it? It's a newer QT pole, and up to now has been the quietest pole I've ever used. I'd like to consult the experts here before I send my favorite pole to France for god knows how long. Thanks!
  18. How many channels were you using? Did you calculate for intermod? I’ve had that with g3’s before. An actor got kept his phone in his pocket and whenever he got a text I got a hit. I was able to replicate it later with my phone, but it was intermittent. I imagine that it has to do with the RF filters in the units not being as effective as they need to be and letting the RF from the phone in. i have had all sorts of odd things happen with G3’s and the day I sold them for lectros I got a lot happier. i know a lot of people have success with the G3’s but I have always found them to be unreliable and unpredictable. IMO that is one of the worst qualities you can have in production equipment.
  19. Have you visited Location Sound Corp., Trew Audio, Audio Department, or Wilcox? I bet you could demo every bag on the market between all of them. You could even bring your gear in and see how it fits.
  20. Audix sound similar to a Schoeps (though not quite as nice) but doesn’t have as much reach in my experience. A modded Oktavs might be something to look at. But a nice interior mic is one of those things you’ll be glad you invested in. But once, cry one. You won’t regret getting a Schoeps or mkh50 after you use it.
  21. Off topic but Jack, how do you set delay between your lectros and zax. I have a zax boom and lectro wire and have never got them aligned to my liking.
  22. I love my VdB poles. I have an 18 foot and a 9 foot. The 18 foot is my go to for narrative collapses enough to get in some pretty tight spaces. They are fairly rigid and the bottom section is great re: handling noise. And you can easily add or remove a cable without and soldering. This works great when doing different types of gigs where an internal cable or lack of cable would be desirable.
  23. Yellow is their color for everything. I agree it’s not the most logical choice for something that needs to be hidden. I guess gaff on the sides will help but it’s lame you have to do that. I’m curios to see these out in the real world. I’m pretty skeptical but would love if they work as well as they say they will. Zaxnet has made me pretty weary of anything 2.4ghz and range, but maybe they figured it out.
  24. I typically use it with Lectrosonics src’s, but have used it with a friend’s a10 and zaxcom receivers. The noise floor is the same across the board. I’d really love to get it working optimally because it’s an awesome distro that has made my bag so tidy.
  25. I’d love to know if you resolve this issue. I’m running into the same thing with the DADM 226 and can’t seem to figure it out. I’ve tried so many different rf shorties and the noise floor remains higher than it should be.
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