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The end of fuel generators is near (isn’t that great?!)

Fred Salles

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Hi. I have just learnt about this company making power generator out of rechargeable batteries (a BIG portable. battery with built in AC converter basically) specially tailored for film work. 
Overkill for sound equipment but what it means is no more damn noisy, stinky and polluting fuel generators on set!

An that is great news for us all. 
It is a french company but I am sure their products will spread to the rest of the world soon if not already. As a matter of fact I heard about them from a gaffer in Kenya and the company is based in my home town Marseille 😅

worth spreading the word to our gaffer and producer friends:


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There are a number of companies that have these available in the US in various smaller sizes for different applications. We've been using them for Live TV News Location Production for a few years now. I do not miss the generators or running vehicles for AC  power.




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Battery power sources and LED lamps.  What a different world we live in today.  I always hated the "generator dance".


(Although I still fondly remember the big arc lamps of yesteryear.  They were magnificent in their brute strength, pun intended).



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There is also an intersting interview from ARRI with "Poor Things" Gaffers.




What lighting fixtures did you use to light the actors’ faces?


GM: We lit the faces using a SkyPanel S60 with Chimera attachment, strictly from batteries because cables were never allowed on the set floor. I was happy when Yorgos mentioned that he didn't want to see cables; I don’t like to see them on the floor either.

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On 4/7/2024 at 10:45 AM, Constantin said:

What a weird and random thing to say. But I guess everyone needs their quirk


I have posted as "hand by hand" by the end of fual generators and going to more "green" energy. I would like to see solutions like this (with parity of zero cables from AC to lights) on set soon (to be the new "normality"). :)

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13 minutes ago, VASI said:


I have posted as "hand by hand" by the end of fual generators and going to more "green" energy. I would like to see solutions like this (with parity of zero cables from AC to lights) on set soon (to be the new "normality"). :)

I agreee with fuel generators moving to battery and green power, sure, that‘d be great. But as a director to basically demand to have no cables visible anywhere is ridiculous. It’s a movie set after all

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EcoFlow systems have become somewhat popular here in Seattle, probably in part due to a local gaffer becoming a rep and selling / supporting them. 
While they haven’t replaced generators in any large scale, they did completely save a shoot recently when our building was struck by lightning and that fried some of the central buildings circuitry. Brand new building should’ve handled it better, but didn’t. Mid day we had no power and were still able to shoot the rest of the day with a few adjustments. 
As the price comes down, these batteries are going to change the way we work for the better!

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