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As we have seen its cheaper to make an App than a company spending time and money to design a physical piece of hardware. Example the real Lectrosonics remote, and the lectroRM app for iphone/ipod/androids. It cost less since you are buying the digital essence in a widely used multi functional device.

Maybe in the future IFB will be in this same medium. The producer that always losses his comtek, will stop loosing "it", if it is also his phone that never leaves his side.

So the future IFB app, would be down loaded on your smart phone for 20 bucks or so and then the audio could be accessed by having a password. Or maybe you create a personal username and and the sound mixer create a list saying (joesmo-producer538) has access to listen. This would help keep "anyone out there from tapping into the audio and listening". The sound mixer would have the transmitter that broadcast the signal just like todays IFB, or maybe its full digital wireless like on a D4 system, or a 3g/wifi connection. Thats the weak link of my thoughts, realistically i dont know whats capable to link the transmission.

Products like "Cube" make watching the video on your ipod/iphone easy. I think they used wifi and web streaming? i may be wrong.

Im sure a big complaint would be "filming in remote locations with limited cell service" renders it useless.

This thought popped up one day on set while i was trudging around the woods looking for a lost comtek that a producer "left" at his chair, but has ended up in the muddy banks of a river.

Just food for thought.


There are 2.4 / 5.8GHz Tx and Rx for field monitors, should be easy enough to implement audio. HDMI from camera to Tx should carry video AND audio. Should be able to get sound and picture on an iPad no strings(wires) attached.


Thought the idea of phones becoming the ifb receivers used on set would be a interesting discussion. Something different than our normal talks of which frequency to use or which gear to buy, wides and tights and such. Trying to keep it fresh.


Time lag would be an issue w that kind of system is my guess.

Personally I would pay good money for a headset system that sounded good and had range and worked well everyday, everywhere. I'm a dreamer.



The cube might?

Im just thinking about the idea of ifb received through a phone. Then again another problem would be power. Todays phones suck a battery down so fast.

Anyway, perhaps its all just crazy talk. Report the missing IBF and charge the production. haha


Are you sure the teradeck cube system doesn't already transmit audio?Are you sure the teradeck cube system doesn't already transmit audio?

To iDevices via wifi no, it does to their dedicated decoders.


To iDevices via wifi no, it does to their dedicated decoders.

And with seconds of delay ( for now ) on idevices i must add..

I agree here to the subject of this thread, it does make sense these days to have phone ifb... Probably a matter of time.. If i was comtek i d do just that. Better sell those first than missing the train i say.


Yes its a good idea but I think it will still be easier to charge for each receiver that goes out rather than some kind of download charge.

We can charge for Lectro R1a's and Comtek's and production can justify the rental for a piece of hardware.

If we're not supplying hardware, production's may want us to include the producer/director IFB send in our rate.

How can you keep track of who has the password? You give out the password to one person on set and an hour later the whole crew has it!! How do you charge for it?

I'd rather charge for all my IFB receivers that go out each day.

Just my point of view.


Peter Mega


I was told they tried something of the likes on the Stieg Larsson shoot last year. Everyone in the team was handed an iPad to be able to see dailies and even hear sound. Not sure if that was ifb or an embedded wave file in an encoded video. But it failed miserably if memory serves me right. Have a lot of gaffer and ad friends who worked there. Mixer was the swedish Jeff wexler (btw: autocorrect wanted me to write sexier instead of wexler) Bo Persson if anyone's interested..


Yes its a good idea but I think it will still be easier to charge for each receiver that goes out rather than some kind of download charge.

We can charge for Lectro R1a's and Comtek's and production can justify the rental for a piece of hardware.

If we're not supplying hardware, production's may want us to include the producer/director IFB send in our rate.

How can you keep track of who has the password? You give out the password to one person on set and an hour later the whole crew has it!! How do you charge for it?

Yeah we probably would be loosing money, on the ifb rental. Unless the receiver was more expensive then boosting the transmitter rental and evening it out.

One of my quick ideas off the top of my head was, a username based system. the sound mixer/utility would set it up and build a list. It would then only be sent to those phones. It could also be like a super high powered wireless internet router. Like how a "hotspot" works and that would allow the phones to connect to it. Then the username could work, and you start streaming there.

Whoever would take on such a task better have a great R&D department. My guess someone like comtek would be a front runner, since they are mostly known ifb type wireless.


Check out this thread I started a few months back. (provided by google cache as this discussion seems to have gotten lost in the site switch over)


Mostly the idea was bashed by the senator but a couple of good responses.

The best I ever came up with on my own was a service called iPadio that allows you to stream a live phone call instantly. Basically you dial their special phone number, enter your pass code and the call audio uploads instantly and is available live via a unique url to anyone on earth with a web browser. Pretty cool. Also allows you to upload audio recordings to be streamed after the fact.


I've thought about doing this sort of thing using an audio streaming software like nicecast.


But the problem I've run into is the associated delay. I haven't tested what the delay is, but I suppose it's possible to add a video delay module to video village to compensate.

As per security, you could always setup a local wifi network to do the streaming on, then limit the connections to the network based on I.p. or mac addresses. Doing this could allow you to charge per the number of connections offered, and it'd be a simple switch to allow more people to connect.

Although I have lots of ideas about this, and will likely setup a test server in a couple weeks when I'm back home, I don't see it as being that realistic, and it surely wouldn't fit in a bag! That being said, the time that your phone, or ipod touch could do the same thing isn't far away, just check out airfoil by the same people that do nicecast. You can now stream audio from your ios device to anything running airtunes.

Fun stuff!



So Why couldn't you have a dedicated iPhone running a Hotspot and a handful of iPod Touches as receivers? or when on a cart having a airport extreme running a network simply for IFB reception? I know that I have my Airport Extreme on 10% output and I don't drop the wifi connection until i'm down the block driving away in my car. I can only imagine the range with the thing on 100%. The mac app Audio Hijack by the same company is cool because you can play with different encodings - perhaps a lower bitrate audio stream will tighten up that delay? Or what about audio over bluetooth? That is definitely lower fidelity than airplay over wifi but perhaps there is very minimal delay? I don't know about bluetooth to multiple receivers though - i know you have to pair everything... and I'm pretty sure the transfer rate of Bluetooth is pretty low like 150kbps. Shit we could all be using iPhones or IPod Touches as lav transmitters soon!


Somewhere in my storage unit I still have an old school Comtek transmitter that broadcasts on the FM band. My Android phone has an FM receiver app. I have thought of this same thing before, but didn't implement it because not everyone has the app or is willing to buy it. There is also the idea that anyone nearby could tune in to your set, which may not be good for the production.


Personally, comteks are one of the most aggrevated parts of the job. I have 15 ATM, until another gets murdered, and despite a significant investment and rate I'd love to never worry about distributing, swapping batteries, finding the missing straggler or L and D ever again. Though I don't have a third nearly as much as I'd like, so perhaps I'd feel different if I had the hands for the job.

That said, a DIT buddy has a teradeck, loves the ever-growing technical capabilities of the system, hates how much of his day is spent fixing it. If an iPhone IFB appears from anyone but the usuals, its likely gonna be a PITA.

  • 1 month later...

VLC (ww.videolan.org) is available on iOS and android, which will send and receive audio streams over IP. Will have a look at this and see how fiddly it is.

Should also be able to receive teradek cube video

Don't know if it's different in the US, but here in Aus the original VLC got pulled off the app store. There's another program up there now, but it's not VLC. It's just a streaming video app.


VLC (ww.videolan.org) is available on iOS and android, which will send and receive audio streams over IP. Will have a look at this and see how fiddly it is.

Should also be able to receive teradek cube video

VLC does not seem to be available for Android. It does look like it's in development though.

There does seem to be quite a few VLC related apps on the market that interface with VLC in one way or another. I'm looking for one that allows me to upload an audio stream from the mic input on the phone. Have you seen anything like that?




There does seem to be quite a few VLC related apps on the market that interface with VLC in one way or another. I'm looking for one that allows me to upload an audio stream from the mic input on the phone. Have you seen anything like that?



Checked thoroughly this morning, there doesn't seem to be anything like it. There used to be a product called Trukstop, which was for ad-hoc network streaming of video and audio (similar to the Teradeck i guess) but they seem to have disappeared.

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