Work Available - Available for Work
posting for job opportunities & availability to work
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I have a producer friend who is looking for a sound person in Michigan this week. The shoot will be near Lapeer and/or Capac. Email me and I will forward your info to him
Last reply by jason porter, -
- 1 reply
Looking to hire a sound mixer fluent in Arabic and English for documentary project (NOT reality) in September-October. Most of the shoot involves international travel. Competitive rate. You can be based in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. Ideal gear would be: lightweight ENG bag (SD 633 os similar) with two wireless lav receivers, TC syncbox and mono wireless feed to camera. Still in the preproduction phase, don't have a budget or a schedule yet. Please send me your CV and list of gear at: blas-at-blaguecommunications-dot-com Thanks!
Last reply by nourZX, -
- 5 replies
Hi All, I might need someone to record a tape sync of an interview in Kiev, Ukraine sometime before July 20. The interview would be conducted in English; could last between 45 minutes and two hours. I think... we're still trying to get things locked down. For US public radio. I'm not ready to book someone today, but if anyone here does that sort of work in that city, please let me know! Thanks! Jim "wearing his producer hat" Feeley
Last reply by Jim Feeley, -
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I'm available for mixing and booming jobs in Calgary and Alberta area in Canada. I can also travel for shoots anywhere in Canada. For more information check out Sound Devices 663 Multi-track Recorder/Mixer with Ambient Timecode Sound Devices 442 Mixer Lectrosonics 401 and SMDA's Sanken COS-11 Lavalieres and Countryman B6's Rode NTG-3 Shotgun Microphone Sennheiser G3 Wireless Camera Hop Ambient 4140 Boompole, 10ft, 18ft, and 23ft Marantz PMD-661 Recorder Rode Windjammer Additional Lectrosonics 411/SMQV wireless are also available upon request.
Last reply by jslocationsound, -
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Ad for Chris.docx
Last reply by dlwilliams, -
- 2 replies
Yellowstone/Targhee area. I know this is a long shot...... Trying help out friend who may need someone to help him record music from a festival. This weekend. Good music. Just tracking and taking a iso from FOH consoles. One performance only. Email me directly if available. It also could not hurt to have doc sound experience as well but the main need is the music recording. john
Last reply by johngooch, -
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A friend is doing a music video in LA next weekend. All my gang is working or we'd cover it for her as a favor. Normally I' never ask anyone to work on a low budget shoot but ya never know who might want a chance to meet new people and practice their craft. $400.00 a day labor & gear. On stage. Playback over speakers and feed song to a Arri mini. Thanks. CrewC
Last reply by old school, -
- 2 replies
Hi, a doc film I've been mixing for is going to shoot in Atlanta on June 23rd. A little bit of cinema verité style shooting and an interview. They need a TC capable recorder w/ at least 4 tracks (better 6), an MS boom, 3 wires, 1 sync box for camera (C300 Mark II) and 1 wireless link to camera for scratch track. The film is about the German music producer Conny Plank. If you can provide and operate this equipment and this appeals to you, please contact the UPM Nora Ehrmann ASAP . Thanks Patrick
Last reply by patrickveigel, -
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Greetings, I am available for work on fiction and doc projects; I recently had the chance to serve as prod snd mixer on Alex Cox's new film, Tombstone Rashomon. I can cover AZ (Tucson to Phoenix to Flagstaff) and cross the southern border; I can speak and understand rudimentary Spanish. My kit: Sound Devices 442 Zoom F8 Lectrosonics UCR100/LM x 3 Tram 50 w/ TR79 x 3 Sennheiser MKH 416 Octava MK-012 Best, Mike 520.360.2941
Last reply by Mike Mulcahy, -
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Main responsibility is rf coordinating cities pre arrival for a travel show. Approximately 20 channels of wireless. Us only. Secondary part of gig would be recording sound in each city as the production arrives. PM me if interested. Again, Solid pro audio with experience traveling.
Last reply by noeld, -
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Looking for work in Greater NY area this spring and summer. non-union shorts and independents are awesome.Audio Engineer Certification.
Last reply by tribaltechinc, -
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Anyone in Birmingham, AL available for a shoot Thursday?
Last reply by Arnold F., -
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Never mind. smileyface emoticon.
Last reply by Jim Gilchrist, -
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Greetings, if any of you need a mixer/boom op in Hungary, feel free to contact me! My own equipment is fit for doc or short films, if You have your own, I can probably handle it. For example: I've been working on Marco Polo (Netflix) and Dracula (NBC) series as boom op/assistant. Cheers Samuel_Lehoczki_CV_2016.pdf
Last reply by Samuel Lehoczki, -
Guess they don't need no TC slate, and you get to do a Feature in 5 days-tight schedule, and award winning sound editor looking over shoulder. Opportunity of a lifetime...... Somebody respond. Production Sound Mixer (Burbank ) Date: 2012-06-16, 12:01AM PDT Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?] 1 Location for entire Shoot, 3 Red Epic Cameras, lots of Dial, able to work with director and crew. Must have own equipment. In addition, Production Sound to Record onto 8 Track Recorder. Discreet Mix of all Radio Mics/ Boom to be on same Outboard Channels 5-8 where applicable. We will Boom and Radio Mic at t…
Last reply by Rakesh Anderson, -
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- 3 replies
Hey BC mixers. I'm helping a local (Seattle) client find someone for a commercial shooting on April 28th. The producer will have all the specifics of course, but thought i would gather some names for them to go to first. Please PM if you're avail. Thanks, Jason Alberts
Last reply by Jason A, -
- 1 reply
Here is the link. These are full time entry level opportunities with a public broadcasting Network
Last reply by Tom Visser, -
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Hello, I'm looking for a Boom Operator/A2/Utility person to help out on a shoot. It's going to be in an indoor setting with some possible outdoor interviews as well. Is anyone in the DC/MD/VA available to work that day? Feel free to contact me directly at 202-498-7458 or through here for more details. Thanks a bunch, Ivan
Last reply by ivanovich, -
- 1 reply
Looking for a documentary Sound Mixer in or around Alaska April 13 - 17 Willing to fly the right person in but needs to be available to work in the US. Thank You,
Last reply by KGraham045, -
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Hello fellow 'soundies', I've been working as a freelance mixer in LA for 4 years now. I have been getting some great work as a mixer but would love a chance to Boom or Utility for an experienced vet. Check out my website for more info on me and my previous work @ I'm currently not in the 695. Have the days to join as a mixer but have only received one union job offer in my 4 years working professionally here in LA, so I can't justify the dues. As a Utility, I have a full bag of tricks for lav placement.. a good understanding of how our department fits into the greater scheme on set and great people skills (10 years waiting tables in LA…
Last reply by THSnodgrass, -
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- 5 replies
Dear All, Im currently looking for an experienced and dedicated boom operator for a German production (feature, fiction) that will be shot in north-west New Mexico from April 19th till May 27th. This film will be a neo-realism drama with extensive tracking sequences I will be happy to give you more information via email. If you're interested, send me your CV and perhaps a little introduction about yourself to Thank you very much! Best, Gregor
Last reply by Laurence, -
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Hi everyone I'm looking to meet and work with other senior, ahem, I mean experienced mixers to sharpen my skills and be humbled as well as inspired. I'm mostly a one man band in the indie world but I've worked with a couple other mixers previously, some of which are members of this forum. Those have been great learning experiences. I did a movie with Fred Schultz a couple summers ago, I worked with Jim Thornton on two movies (one flipped union) last year and filled in as a utility on Rosewood for Mick Fowler last year. 12 more union days as a boom op is what I need to get in at the moment. I'm eager to join and do some real work. I'm tired of th…
Last reply by SonicBoomPole, -
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Hey Everyone I am available for any (last minute) sound utility calls you may need to fill. I am a well-versed Local 52 sound applicant. I'd be happy to share my resume, which outlines my skills and experience, if necessary. Regards, Greg DeCellio
Last reply by GJD, -
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Eric Shultz
Last reply by Eric Shultz, -
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Available for work until April, if anyone needs a sound mixer, boom operator, or utility please contact me! I'm currently in Knoxville, Tennessee but I'm more than willing to travel! 865-806-3937
Last reply by justindfox,