Recording Direct to Computer
posts regarding production recording where the computer is the main device
218 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Given the constraints, I've always been impressed with iOS audio compared to the competition in the same category (I suppose that could be Tom Holman's influence?) Anyway, with the Lightning connector being all digital audio, we're now seeing digital mics from the likes of Apogee, IK and Rode. IK also has a Lightning pre-amp that supplies phantom power to a XLR mic. All these products cost less than £200 each, so that probably says something about the A/D conversion. But given the law of diminishing returns and the economies of scale this is a category that I suspect will grow over time (at least until iOS and/or Lightning becomes obsolete - 10 years perhaps?). …
Last reply by VASI, -
- 5 replies
hello , anybody use cabl low to high impedanse transformer like kopul lmt100 which price is 15£ to record directly from dynamic mic to comp or dlsr Sent from my RM-914_eu_hungary_422 using Tapatalk
Last reply by mikewest, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
For some years I've used the BWF Timecoder mac application by One-N Corp to create audio timecode tracks in ProTools to use in on-set playback. It was much easier than the various hardware methods of creating a recorded timecode track to match session timecode. This audio file could be re-imported into the session for easy play-out to a slate without needing Sync hardware on set. Unfortunately this software hasn't been updated for quite a while and won't even install on Mac's running Mountain Lion or Mavericks. Is anyone here aware of something current for mac, that does the same job? cheers, nick
Last reply by nickreich, -
- 1 reply
Hi i'm recording a doco musicmost of it is interviews following music sessions that transforms into interviews etc i want to record everything direct to a computer using a presonus studio live and a laptop i never did it before how do ikeep things on sync with camera? whcich software do i use to record the tracks? hod do i transfer the audio content to the production? thanx Alexis
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Is anyone here running Boom Recorder 8.2 or 8.3 on Mavericks? If so, how's it going? A colleague has a new rig he can't 'back-grade'.
Last reply by nickreich, -
- 18 replies
I just discovered this fabulous iPad app, V-Control Pro from Neyrinck and it's only $50. Apologies if this has already been covered here. I can open any Pro Tools Session and control it from my iPad, adjust individual channels, groups and more. I'm really loving it.
Last reply by Ze Frias, -
- 46 replies
Greetings everyone, I had a Catastrophic fail on my Boom Recorder and Yamaha 01v96i fail last week, and I can't even begin to diagnose the troubles. First hour on set for the day, no troubles, no issues, everything working fine. Hour 3 now, and I noticed the Time Code on BR, going on and off once. So, I check the ISOs, and there is some distortion on the files. By Hour 5, I noticed the TC now just completely off and not being read by BR. So, I check the ISOs, and there's a lot more distortion now.. degrading as time goes by. I had to crap can the whole RB set up, and scramble to get a 788 put in place instead. Here's a sample file. I edited and sa…
Last reply by studiomprd, -
- 62 replies
<p>Sound devices,<br /> <br /> So I was doing a corporate gig and it was an interview with a woman, simple setup boom and lav.<br /> We shot around 8 hours and we did 10 scenes, the 744 was recording as usual until scene 5, what I mean is that the files on the hdd where perfect and from scene 5 on, all the files are between 3mb and. 20 mb. While the first takes where around 150mb.<br /> The recorder indicated I was recording on the hdd but it was slow on the CF, I couldn't stop the take, so we kept rolling with the 744 indicating recording on the hdd<br /> My surprise came when I handed the files, the editor called me in stati…
Last reply by Strei, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hey! new to the site with a couple interesting question (that might interest both music producers and direct sound audiovisual recorders) As my love and effort also goes to music, it'd be ideal to use this equipment in a music context too, to be able to manage this pre-amps from a computer. (1st question: Do you know any mixer/recorder that is also an audio interface? doubt that exists but you never know..) / 2nd question: Do you know any audio interface that has 8 digital inputs?) Another choice would be to do some A/D . D/A (from mic to ZAXCOM) and then again A/D (from ZAXCOM to audio interface) thinking that might mean some quality loss.. 3rd and most important quest…
Last reply by Wandering Ear, -
Premiere Pro 6 + Sennheiser Shotgun + FW Motu Ultralight = Voiceover Direct to Sequence?
by AlexEckhart- 2 replies
Hello! I have been trying to get Premiere Pro 6 to recognize a Firewire mic input without success. Someone who put up a tutorial on getting Premiere to recognize his USB mic told me that with proper drivers this shouldn't be a problem, but Adobe says these FW mics are not supported. Does anyone know of a workaround? We have the Sennheiser shotgun and don't want to downgrade quality, but simply cannot get the Sennheiser to show in Audio Hardware. Any ideas? Thanks so much! Best, Alex
Last reply by AlexEckhart, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi, I have had a few customers where an audio edit application would corrupt Boom Recorder audio files during import. Always make a copy of audio files before importing them into any application. The audio edit application would move the audio in the file to earlier as it created a shorter audio header. If the audio edit application would crash or the import would fail half way through this process, the audio file would get corrupt. The header would be incorrect and therefor audio applications are not able to read in the file anymore. Also the audio in the file would get chopped up half way through and the two audio segments may also have a different align…
Last reply by afewmoreyears, -
- 4 replies
Anyone Using MOTU MicroBook II Link Here Hi I was looking to buy an Audio interface for my PC. This too is an all new endeavor for me. I was hoping to hear from some of the fine folks here about this topic. I want to hook a standard Condenser MIC which requires 48V Phantom Power to my PC. So what do you use to send MIC signals to your PC? Have you use or have you heard of the MOTU Microbook II? If so what are your thoughts? If no what are your thoughts? In my book, there is always room for information about alternative solutions. I am never against saving a few bucks as long as the quality isn't being negated. (I know you get what you pay …
Last reply by akfreak, -
- 3 replies
Not A location sound question but I know some of you work in studios. I'm recording a studio album and thinking through best work flow. Haven't gotten an answer on other forums. Comp A is recording Drums with Cubase and a analogue stereo track from comp B Comp B is used as an "Ableton Instrument" and We'd like to record the automation with in those tracks. Can't run everything on comp A because all the mic pre's are in the mixing room and can't control Ableton from there(usb controllers). Also worried Ableton and Vst's will use to many resources. Both computers are newer maxed on ram and running separate hard drives. The Album is taking a jazz approach so ov…
Last reply by seth, -
- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Anyone know if Pro Tools Express will read and display SMPTE TC? I've been searching Avid and the web like crazy and cannot find out! Thanks, Billy
Last reply by studiomprd, -
- 1 reply
Here is an interesting article on the use of Dante and really thinking outside the box. Lectrosonics DNTBOB 88 Dante Breakout Box Streamlines TEDx Conference
Last reply by ccsnd, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hi Guys, This is probably old news in here, but I'd like some opinions... Have a major upcoming gig that requires a lot of fancy footwork (in terms of IFB, submixes, pre-recorded material playback, on-set ADR - all sorts of crazy). So I'm thinking PT for the flexibility that it will give me. I'm torn between going down the route of an external mixer (such as a DM2000, or the Presonus 24.4.2) to do all my routing and just use PT as the recorder (with 788's for backup), or to go with a controller such as the c24 and do all my routing "in the box". Any thoughts, feedback and/or life lessons gratefully appreciated. Cheers, James "Nova" Nowiczews…
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I am currently trying to use 3 MOTU 896 mk 3 Hybrid units. Is anyone else doing this with a laptop? I was only able to get this to work by using both separate FireWire connections on my MacBook Pro. I made an aggregate device and linked 2 MOTU's off one FireWire port and one MOTU off the other FireWire port. Metacorder sees this no problem. But, is there a way to get all of my inputs to show up, post metacorder, on the headphone jack of just one MOTU box? Metacorder has no menu that allows me to select a signal path for my headphones out. Currently I have to use the 1/8" on the MacBook itself. It works, but is not ideal. Thanks for any assistance …
Last reply by Matt, -
- 20 replies
Hey Guys, I recently recorded a short film for a buddy of mine and used my Pro Tools 9 and Focusrite Saffire 56 interface to record 1-4 mic inputs. I am now finding that I can't export poly wav files from Pro Tools (trying to use the export file command always makes many mono files). I downloaded wave agent to see what I can do, but I have never used the program. Also, I didn't roll on all inputs all the time, so the filing naming isn't consistent for which take they are. (For example Boom_01.wav and Studio Mic_01.wav might be from the same take, but Lav 1_01.wav would be from 4 takes later as I didn't roll the lav mic on the first three takes, etc.) They do all have the…
Last reply by dustinguished, -
- 22 replies
Hi, have anyone use a Mac Mini with a Traveler on location? I plan to use Metacorder with a controller for fader? any opinion on the setup and what would be great to controller the faders? thanks
Last reply by ccsnd, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, I am searching for an (not so expensive) format converter from 8 channel AES to USB, or 8 channel AES to ADAT. The only thing I found in www is from RME. but this thing costs about 1.200€ ... I wana use my Aaton Cantar for computer recording and use it as an AD converter.
Last reply by Herbert Verdino, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Just annonced by Steinberg: looks very useful, although it may depend on how easily the notes can be exported
Last reply by Olle Sjostrom, -
- 0 replies
Just got back from NAMM...the brain is spinning about having an Apogee D/A available for an iPad... The Duet is a nice little box nonetheless...
Last reply by dkgross, -
- 35 replies
I've been quite productive these last few weeks. Anyway, I have been testing the sample and frame rate changes as best as I could. I had recorded a 24 fps timecode and played it back using my iPhone into my MOTU 828 MkII. This way I could slave it in such a way that I could test a "word clock" rate of 48000 Hz and 48048 Hz (by setting the MOTU to read time code at 23.98). Then I recorded several files with different sample and frame rate settings and compared the timestamp in the audio file with a separate utility. I've also tested free running at a 48048 sample rate compared to the MOTU free running timecode, after an hour there was no visual deviation. So…
Last reply by Eric Lamontagne, -
- 6 replies
Im planning on throwing a SSD in my low spec netbook. Im a ProTools man and I do have spare licence however, I'm pretty sure it ain't going to run to well. What's some low resource record software? maybe Audacity?
Last reply by markfarrowaudiopost, -
- 12 replies
Following up my two-channel question with an eight channel version: I am looking to expand my track count and was wondering what some of you guys are using. I am looking for a single rack space unit what takes eight 1/4" line ins (d-subs welcome), and can output to adat optical without any use of a computer to control it. Essentially, I have a bunch of very high end mic pres, and would like to rack them up with a converter (preferably mid to high end) that can output adat optical, so that I can move from studio to studio and be able to interface digitally with their system without having to deal with breakout snakes and patch bays, and since most people/studios …
Last reply by ramallo,